National Association of Retired Police Officers - (CARDIFF BRANCH)
Of Service - To Those Who Served


This page has been created to house articles, images and references to the Centenary of World War 1 and the remembrance of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in order that we can live to remember them.
The items on this page have previously appeared on other pages within the website. However, it is considered fitting to retain everything in a single location in order that anyone wishing to view the information only has the one location to visit.

At the going down of the sun.....
And in the morning.....
We will remember them.....
( image copied from Mr Steve Johnson Swansea Branch )
The Police of South Wales and the Great War
Roll of Honour 1914 - 1919
As a follow on from the immense research undertaken by the South Wales Police First World War Project group they have now produced a combined Roll of Honour in respect of all those who died from the predecessor forces of Glamorgan, Cardiff, Swansea and Merthyr.
To view the Roll of Honour click on the link below
Remembrance Library
The links within the library will take the enquirer to the document, poem or video described following the link text which will be coloured light blue. The contents of the items have been made available from a variety of sources. We gratefully acknowledge the help and assistance provided by everyone who have contributed or permitted their work to be placed here.
Remembrance Section
The Great War Centenary - 1914 A booklet published in 2014 remembering with pride those who died in 1914
The Great War Centenary - 1915 A booklet published in 2015 remembering with pride those who died in 1915
The Great War Centenary - 1916 A booklet published in 2016 remembering with pride those who died in 1916
The Great War Centenary - 1917 A booklet published in 2017 remembering with pride those who died in 1917
The Great War Centenary - 1918 A booklet published in 2018 remembering with pride those who died in 1918 and also from injuries sustained in 1919.
Richard Thomas - Policeman, Sportsman, Soldier
A booklet recording the life of this man who was killed at Mametz Woods
The Welsh Guards & Police of South Wales
A booklet describing the long established connection between the Welsh Guards and the Police of South Wales
Ernest Rollings 'The Policeman who ended the war'
A leaflet describing how Ernest Rollings led a raid on a German Headquarters where he recovered 'Top Secret' documents, that resulted in the war ending sooner. He is also subject of an exhibition at 'The Firing Line' within Cardiff Castle that runs from:
1st November 2017 - 2nd February 2018. Ernest's father also served as a Cardiff Police officer.
Ernest Rollings 'The Policeman who ended the war'
The 34 page booklet written based on the research undertaken by
South Wales Police and others into the life and service of this officer.
The Police of South Wales and the Great War 1914 - 1918 - 'Concluding the Story'
This is a 91 page page booklet that concludes the the research undertaken by South Wales Police and corrects and clarifies previous entries. It also contains additional photographs that came to light after the publication of earlier books. The booklet also concludes the 6 years of dedicated research undertaken by Mr Gareth Madge OBE and his team.
Within the South Wales Police area we are fortunate to have a number of retired police officers who are outstanding when it comes to utilising their retirement for the benefit of others. Whether its writing and recording songs, crime thrillers, undertaking charity events e.g. walks, half and full marathons, jumping out of a perfectly serviceable aircaft or writing poetry the list is in fact endless.
Retired Det. Sgt Arthur Cole is no stranger when it comes to taking up the pen and writing, especially in his collaboration with Nigel Williams in relation the the Terry Mcguire crime thriller series or on his own with regards to the many hundreds of poems.
The poems linked below have been written and reproduced with Arthur's permission and refer to events in war:
"Tanks...The Battle of Cambrai" Since writing this poem, Arthur has been advised that it will actually be
read out at the "Cambrai Memorial" Northern France, on Monday the
20th November 2017, this being the 100th anniversary of the battle.
'A True Welsh Hero' This poem is dedicated to the memory of Denis Patrick Sullivan MM.DCM and has been placed here with kind permission of the author and Ret. Det Insp.Thomas Page. You may be wondering why Thomas Page is mentioned above. Arthur Cole wrote this poem in memory of Toms grandfather Denis. Denis passed away in 1973 when Tom was aged 26. Tom never realised how brave his grandfather was because Denis never ever spoke of the war, and his courageous exploits. it is believed that this is a trait in most war heroes.
The medals that Denis won are on display in the Welsh Regiment Museum, Cardiff Castle. If you would like to read more about Denis Patrick Sullivan please copy the link below into your web browser
World War 1 Centenary - Remembering our Welsh Constabulary Heroes
The images below link to two individual films created by South Wales Police As part of the Armistice centenary commemoration. To view please click on the image and a link to the 'YouTube' based film will open.
Many of our members will be aware of the writing prowess of retired Det. Sgt Arthur Cole courtesy of the 'Terry Mcguire' Crime series which he co-authors with Nigel Williams.
As well as writing that series Arthur writes some amazing poetry which is ften recorded on the Facebook Page 'Arthur's Poems and Anecdotes'.
For many months of hard work Arthur has compiled an number of poems as a tribute to those who fell in the Great War 1914 - 18.
These poems have now been published in a book by Word Catcher publishing:
The book is available via Amazon as a paperback. if you wish to purchase a copy please click on the image of the front cover to be taken direct to the Amazon page.
If you would like to read more of Arthurs poetry on a wide range of topics please join the Facebook Group:
'Arthur's Poems and Anecdotes

Brave men of war, taken before their time,
never knowing their fate, no reason or rhyme.
They gave their lives, on far foreign fields,
a war so destructive, no side would yield.
No man's land strewn, on bellies crawling,
mustard gas, shell, death angels calling.
Battlefields littered, so much blood and gore,
brave comrades slaughtered, an attritional war.
One hundred years on, we must never forget,
a generation lost, we're forever in their debt.
We must remember forever, all those who died,
our country they served, with valour and pride.
Arthur Cole...2018...All Copyright Reserved(265)