National Association of Retired Police Officers - (CARDIFF BRANCH)
Of Service - To Those Who Served


Welfare Issues
The Branch Welfare Officer is:
Mr. Stephen Bartley,
Full details can be found under committee members in the members only section
Any member who becomes aware of a retired colleague, or widowed member who may requires the assistance of the Branch Welfare Officer are requested to cantact the Welfare Officer , or in his absence the Branch Secretary. Full deatils of whom can be found in the committee members listing in the members only section. Contact can be made either by phone or by using the
e-mail contact facility to be found under the CONTACT menu.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large amount of information that has been received courtesy of the Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales. In order to assist our members in locating the OPC generated information it has been decided to place these items on a page of the own. These can be accessed by clicking on the OPC 4 WALES page located under the WELFARE menu. In doing this it is hoped the service provided will be easier for our members to navigate.
The following has been received from NARPO HQ Wakefield and is published here for the benefit of our members:
Hi there
We’re Laurelo, an award-winning, family-run probate company that has recently become a Gold Partner of NARPO. Although our headquarters are in Hertfordshire, we proudly support families right across England and Wales with free probate and pre-death planning advice.
We’ve built our reputation by working closely with a network of independent funeral homes, providing compassionate, expert guidance that extends the level of care families receive at a funeral home. Our aim is to make a difficult time easier, ensuring that people aren’t navigating probate in the dark.
We’d love to connect with you on a local level. Could you let us know if there are any upcoming events we might attend, opportunities to share useful content on your website, or ways we can support the important causes you champion? Many families don’t know much about probate until they’re already grieving, so even a bit of insight before it’s needed can make all the difference.
Thanks for considering how we can work together. We look forward to hearing from you.
Warm regards,
Here’s some more info about us:
Laurelo Probate, an award-winning provider of compassionate and transparent probate services, is proud to announce its new status as a Gold Partner of the National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO). This partnership reflects a shared commitment to supporting those who have spent their careers serving and protecting our communities.
Laurelo’s leadership team has deep ties to policing. Emma Knewstub, Director of Laurelo, comes from a long line of police officers and understands the demands of a life spent in service. Fred Clarke-Baptiste, now an Ambassador and Business Development Manager for Laurelo, is a former officer himself. This personal connection ensures the team genuinely understands the challenges and unique concerns retired officers and their families may face when dealing with estate matters.
Exclusive Benefits for NARPO Members
As a Gold Partner, Laurelo offers NARPO members:
• 25% Blue Light Discount – A tangible thank-you for their service
• Free, 24/7 Advice & Consultation Line – Guidance when it’s needed most
• Transparent, Fixed Fees – No hidden surprises, agreed prior to instruction
• Pre-Death Planning Support – Helping families prepare, easing future burdens
• Dedicated Case Manager – Consistent, personal support from start to finish
• In-Home, Face-to-Face Service Across England & Wales – Care delivered at a time and place that suits each family
A Partnership Built on Trust and Understanding
“We know first-hand the pressures that come with a policing career, and we understand the importance of trusted support when it comes to probate,” says Emma Knewstub, Director of Laurelo. “Our aim is to bring comfort, clarity, and confidence to retired officers and their families, treating their needs as personally as we would our own.”
Fred Clarke-Baptiste adds: “As a former officer, I’ve been where these families are. This partnership with NARPO allows us to honour their service by providing a personal, fully transparent approach that truly puts their wellbeing first.”
Inviting Regional Branches to Get Involved
Laurelo encourages regional NARPO branches to reach out and learn more about the benefits available. By sharing Laurelo’s services, branches ensure their members receive the respectful, expert care they deserve during life’s most challenging transitions.
Contact Information:
For more information or to arrange a meeting with Laurelo’s team, please contact either myself, Emma (details above) or:
Paul Radcliffe
020 3058 2329
About Laurelo
Laurelo Probate is an award-winning company committed to guiding families through probate with compassion, transparency, and a personal touch. Their team’s deep police roots and dedication to putting people before profit offer families peace of mind when it matters most.
We have received the following from our member Mr. Jeff Barley, and published it here for the benefit of our members, and others who may read it and feel they need support;
Dear Paul,
I was out and about recently, and came across two old comrades who spoke to me about their struggles with the 'Old Black Dog.' And it caused me to think that it might be timely to send out another message that may just be helpful for those in need. I have put some words together as follows:-
Hello, as you may know, I have never kept my struggle with Depression and anxiety a secret and have always been prepared to share my story as a means of helping others. Only recently, I have met, quite by chance, with others both in and now retired from the Job, who have themselves been suffering in silence.
I know from experience, that silence is not the answer, and only by sharing and opening up with others, whether they be professionals or family is the first and most important step towards recovery. So, I am again saying to those who I may have missed in the past, if you need to talk, then I am willing to listen and hopefully help.
I can always be contacted through the NARPO Cardiff website and would be pleased to chat with those in need.
My story, is contained in the link below.
If it strikes a chord in any way with you and you would like to talk, you know where I can be found.
Jeff Barley. (Retired, SWP, Gwent and Humberside. )
09/2024 PB
The following has been received from Wakefield and has been placed here for the information of our members and any other readers
Dear Branch Secretary,
The attached communication has been received from Airwave Health Research and may be of interest to your members.
09/2029 PB
Are you disabled or perhaps assisting someone who is. The HYNT Card may help.
Hynt is a new national access scheme that works with theatres and arts centres in Wales to make sure there is a consistent offer available for visitors with an impairment or specific access requirement, and their Carers or Personal Assistants. This site will tell you all you need to know about Hynt: who it’s for; what it provides; and how to become a member.
The HYNT card is free, yes I said FREE, card from Hynt, that will allow FREE theatre access for carers looking after a disabled person, and is available from:
You will need a photo of the disable person, and proof of entitlement (DWP letter showing you are on the Enhanced rate), which can be attached to the membership application online. This card gives access to lots of venues all around Wales.
Please circulate this information to friends and family, or anyone else you know who might benefit from it
09/2024 PB
The campaign 'spearheaded' by NARPO for the introduction of an 'Injury on Duty' medal is gaining momentum. NARPO Wakefield have published a circular to all branches concerning this campaign a copy of which can be downloaded via the link below
07/2024 PB
Our friends at Age Cymru have forwarded us a copy of the Senydd & TFW Road Map to Bus reform in Wales.
We are providing a link to this document for the benefit of our members and how the proposals may impact on them. Especially those residing in rural communities. Please click on the bus image to view the document, and please share it with anyone who you think might be impacted by the changes
03/2024 PB

Dear NARPO Member,
Metfriendly has been working with NARPO for many years. Whether meeting you at conferences or receiving responses to our magazine articles, we love to hear your ideas, what you think of our products and your ideas for new ones.
Remember, we cover all UK forces, and your family members can apply too.
Don’t miss out on Metfriendly’s latest savings offers and new 4.5% bond withguaranteed growth
We’ve listened, and are proud to announce a new addition to our savings range: a 4.5% guaranteed five-year savings bond that delivers exactly what it says. The bond pays a fixed amount on maturity equivalent to an annual interest rate of 4.5% applied over the five year term.
Move quickly to make the most of this great product, as this opportunity will not be around forever at 4.5%. Please note that due to financial market movements, this offer can be withdrawn or the rate changed at short notice. You will receive the guaranteed growth rate stated on the bond certificate that we send you.
Other Metfriendly lump sum products popular with NARPO members
To celebrate our 130th birthday, we're offering an extra 1.30% promotional bonus (in addition to regular annual bonuses and a potential final bonus) when you invest £10,000 or more. This offer ends 31 December 2023. Standard offer terms and conditions apply.
Please remember that stock market investments can go down as well as up, meaning that you could get back less than you've paid in, especially in the early years or when a Market Value Reduction is in place.
The Metfriendly team can discuss your options with you to help you decide which savings plans are best for your circumstances. Please remember that inflation will reduce what you could buy with the amount invested.
Call us today on 01689 891454 or request a call back at a time to suit you.
Alternatively, email us today at info@metfriendly.org.uk
Best wishes,
Annette Petchey
CEO, Metfriendly
As always we are extremely grateful to Mr Steve Bartley for providing us with the below information.
Please take the time to read it or if it does not impact you directly you may know someone it does. So why not print off a copy and give it to them. We all need a helping hand these days.
To read more or to down load the booklet please
Since Monday 16th May 2022 Unpaid carers in the Wales may be eligible for a one-off £500 support payment. For more information and to ascertain if you are eligible please click on the link below
NB The link mentions the Vale, but this payment is available across Wales, but has been supplied by a friend in the Vale.
The branch has received the following newsletter from Disability Rights UK.
These NEWSLETTERS are published bi-monthly and we hope to publish the links to the newsletters here as and when they are received. Please click on the BLUE text to access the APRIL 2022 NEWSLETTER. The word version will download to the downloads folder of your computer from where it can be accessed
April 2022 Members Bulletin - word version
April 2022 Members Bulletin - PDF
We have recently been contacted by Phoebe at SeniorCareHelper, a resource for caregivers of older adults.
I’m preparing our next piece on tech literacy for seniors and found your page http://www.narpocardiff.com/links. Thanks for putting that together! I wanted to pass along a handful of community resources I thought you and your visitors may find valuable.
I hope they're helpful.
Digital literacy in older adults https://longevity.stanford.edu/digital-literacy-in-older-adults/
25 free online classes for seniors https://www.online-tech-tips.com/cool-websites/free-online-classes-for-seniors/
Protecting seniors from online scams:
Thank you, Phoebe Singhurst
Single Service Phone Life in Bereavement
From 11 April, the way citizens contact DWP Bereavement Services is changing.
Citizens will now be able to access the following bereavement services through a single phone number :
0800 151 2012, to:
Report a death, provide information and find out what support is available following a bereavement;
Make a new or, manage an existing claim for Bereavement Benefit or Bereavement Support Payment
Make a new or, manage an existing claim for Funeral Expenses Payments
Request State Pension updates following the death of a spouse or civil partner
Mental Health in the Police Service
An all to often 'TABOO' subject for Police Officers when they consider their own health and welbeing both in service and in retirement has been made subject of a poem by Mr. Jeff Barley. He has placed his own life experiences into words for us all to listen to and perhaps take comfort in the fact that we might not be as alone as we think we are, especially in the current Worldwide situation that none of us can control.
To hear and see the accompanying visual presention please copy the link below to your web browser or simply click the link

Many of our members will recall the mention of Woody's Lodge when it was first set up a few years ago and was based within the confines of HMS Cambria at Sully.
The purpose of this item is to bring our members up to date with the progress of Woody's Lodge, from those humble beginnings to where it is today and to remind our members, as well as operational officers and staff that Woody's Lodge is there for all emergency service personell as well those veterans from within the various branches of the armed forces.
Woody's Lodge has now moved from within HMS Cambria and is now located with the grounds of theAmelia Trust Farm, which is just off of Five Mile Lane on the edge of Barry and in the heart of the Vale of Glamorgan.
Woody's Lodge believe that the ethos and aspirations of the Amelia Trust Farm mirrors their own and is the perfect setting to continue growing Woody’s Lodge.
Whats more in order to reach those who’ve served in the Armed Forces and Emergency Services more conveniently, they have also opened a Woody’s Lodge in North Wales based at Eirias Park, Colwyn Bay.The work that Woody's Lodge undertakes cannot be over emphasised, they will provide help to those that need it when it is needed.
For more information, if you would like to visit Woody’s Lodge or get involved in anyway, then please call 01446 781792 (South Wales) or 01492 533954 (North Wales). You can also email: support@woodyslodge.org there is a large amount of information that can and will benefit you that is located on their website
please click HERE to access that site

I hope the photo & headline does not embarrass our members it was sent to me by a friend.
And gentlemen, lets not forget we can have breast cancer as well as the ladies in our lives
To obtain a copy of the CHANGE and CHECK poster please CLICK HERE
To find out how a man can check for the signs please CLICK HERE
Many of you will have heard the Government will be doing away with FREE TV licences, well not completely, so news has filtered through to me.
With effect from June 2020 those over 75 and in receipt of Pension Credit, will be elligible to claim a FREE TV licence. The link below explains it all, so worth checking it out, if you are 75 or near it.
NARPO WAKEFIELD are aware that members may have received a letter from Pension Administrators regarding ESA. If you are in receipt of ESA payments you should visit the website and read the advice there.
Assist you in locating this please CLICK HERE or copy the below link into your web browser:
Employment Support Allowance and Injury Awards.
New regulations were introduced on the 2nd March 2018 concerning the above. The changes may benefit most retired officers who receive ESA and Injury Awards. Full details are on the NARPO Wakefield Office site.
or click on the link below
A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device that provides a sense of sound to a person who has a severe or profound hearing loss.
The following has been received from Mr. David Walters (NARPO Swansea ) member and may be of benefit to you If you have any queries we are sure talking to someone like David may be worthwhile
Hello all,
Just a reminder that I'm a fully blown volunteer with the manufacturers of the cochlear implant that I have, Cochlear Ltd. There's going to be a PR and marketing drive in the next few weeks to educate people in what implants are and criteria informing people who maybe suitable for one and how to obtain an implant.
Again if you or anyone that you know are really suffering in silence, help is there, obviously you have to go through a vigorous assessment programme before the ENT consultant decides if you are suitable for one. Either get in touch with me via e-mail : chunky 2676@sky.com if you need any more info.
The following inforamtion / updates has bee received from our Welfare Officer Mr. David A'Herne whilst they might not apply to you personally they maybe of help to someone in your family or friends / neighbours
Pension Credits:
The Department of Works and Pensions has contacted us about the above
and seek our help to ensure eligible pensioners claim the above.
If members know of any pensioner whose weekly income is below:
£159.35 Single person.
£243.25 A couple.
They may be entitled to a pension credit. On average claimants are £2000
per annum better off.
The contact number for claimants is : 0345 6060265
Trouble with customer help lines:
Frequently when help lines are contacted they fob off the caller.
If that happens to you or you are not happy with their response an email
to the Chief Executive of the company or organisation frequently solves the problem.
The below link gives the email address of chief executives. I have used it frequently and it works.
It appears that these senior people do not like getting emails from their customers complaining about things.
If you are a retired or serving officer please be aware that there is a charity that has your best interests at heart and are there if you are injured on duty, and this applies to injuries many years ago, so retired officers are included, the charity is the Police Dependents Trust (PDT) and the local 'Ambassador' for this charity is Mike Baker.
If you have been injured on duty and the injury is an on going serious matter then you must register with PDT. Registereing does not mean that you are making a claim, simply letting the charity know that you have been injured.
By telling the charity that you have an injury on duty they will be aware that in years to come you may have to call upon them for help but that help will not be available if you have not registered, so please either go to www.pdtrust.org, follow the links and register, if you have any difficulties contact Mike Baker who will be pleased to help.
Mike can be contacted Via Mobile Number: 07872181444
or e-mail: mike.dependantstrust@gmail.com
Many of you will have heard about the Governments proposal to set up an on line VETERANS GATEWAY in order to make it easier for our service veterans to get in contact with the many organisations that are there to help and support them once they leave the service or when they come acroos situations in life where they need help.
the link below will connect any of our former armed service veterans to that gateway:
The following has been received from the DRUK, They are looking for your feedback on a whole set of issues. If you feel you can help please click on the appropriate buttons
Good afternoon
Disability Rights UK have recently entered into a year long partnership with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to gather feedback from disabled people about their experience of health and social care services, via CQC's 'Tell Us About Your Care' initiative. The CQC would really like to hear from disabled (and non-disabled) people on their experience of using any of the services they regulate, including GP and dentist surgeries; hospitals; services in the home; etc. A full list of these services can be viewed by clicking here.
If you would like to tell the CQC about your experience, positive or negative, of any of the services they regulate, please click here. You can also provide feedback by contacting Disability Rights UK by telephone on 020 7250 8181.
For further information on the DR UK & CQC Partnership, please click here.
Kind regards
To purchase publications, Radar keys and other products visit our shop.
Disability Rights UK, CAN Mezzanine, 49-51 East Road, London N1 6AH.
Telephone 020 7250 8181
The following update has been received from Mr. Dave A'herne our branch welfare officer
Employment Support Allowance. - Impact on Injury on Duty Pensions.
Members in receipt of ESA need to be aware that from the 17th February 2017, ESA may be taken into account for those receiving an Injury On Duty Pension.
Full information at
We are fortunate to have built up contacts with some people who are able to provide us with additional functions that we can pass onto our members:
GVS (Glamorgan Voluntary Services) have produced a very useful directory on a wide variety of services available to the elderly. Please click on the image below link to gain access to the directory. Its worth a look now, and if you don't need it now, you know where it is for the future as one day you might need it.
Have you purchased a mobility scooter from Pride Mobility Products - IF SO READ ON and CLICK THE LINK
The National Pensioners Convention are taking a class action against Pride Mobility Products Ltd.
If you or anyone you know has bought one of their mobility scooters between 2010 and 2012 then please join the claim.
See above poster or website for further information at:
Our branch welfare officer Mr. Dave A'herne has been hard at work yet again and has produced an updated version of the care and benefits contact points which will no doubt be of assistance to those that need the information full details are as follows:
Below is a precis of some benefits members needing support and care may be entitled to. It is not a full list as this is a complex area. Where possible web sites and telephone numbers are included to help you establish if you are entitled to the benefits. If anyone has further information to add to the list please e mail to the Welfare Officer.
Personal Independence Payment (PIPS)
Applicant must be under 65. Comprises two elements.
Daily Living Allowance.
Standard and enhanced rates which depend on a score on daily living descriptors such as , preparing food, taking nutrition , managing health, washing and bathing, toilet needs, dressing , communication, reading and understanding, engaging with others, making budget decisions.
Mobility .
If mobility activities limited by physical or mental conditions.
For advice. Tel . 0345 850 3322.
Web http://gov.uk/pip/overview
Mobility UK.
1 in 10 vehicles on the road are provided to disabled people by the above scheme. To get a car the applicant must be:
Under 65 Receiving:
Higher rate mobility allowance
or Disability Living Allowance
or PIPS mobility component.
For advice. Tel 0300456 4566
Employment Support Allowance.
Replaces incapacity benefit and income support.
Can be claimed if the applicant is unable to work or has limited capability because of illness. Applicant must be under pension age to claim.
Note. This is an allowance and not a benefit. Some police authorities treat the allowance as a benefit and make deductions form the pension. For further advice and guidance on this issue visit the NARPO HQ web site.
For advice. Tel 0345608 8545
Web. http://gov.uk/eployment-support
Attendance Allowance
Paid if over 65. No help for mobility.
It is to help with personal care and watching over to avoid danger to the claimant or others.
Disability test includes:
Day need : need frequent help throughout day with bodily functions, need for supervision to avoid danger.
Night need : need prolonged attention to help bodily functions, need watching over to avoid danger.
It is necessary to seek advice on the full extent of this complex benefit.
For advice. Tel 0345 605 6055.
Web http://gov.uk/attendance-allowance
Carer's Allowance.
Claimant cares for someone for at least 35 hours per week and is over 16 years of age.
Person cared for receiving benefits such as PIPS or Attendance Allowance.
For advice. Tel 0345 605 6055
Web http://gov.uk/cares-allowance
Local Authority Assistance.
Council tax.
Home property may be exempt from council tax if a person is permanently resident in a care home.May get 50% reduction if in hospital and living alone
Disability Reduction Scheme
Reduction in council tax if
someone is substantially and permanently disabled
have a room used to meet persons needs eg. Dialysis,treatment or storage.
A second bathroom or kitchen for their needs.
This is a complex matter. It is necessary to contact social services.
Web. http://gov.wales/topics/health/socialcare
Disable Facilities Grant.
Mandatory grants.To allow easier access home. Safer home Improved heatingadapting heating/lighting controls.
Contact social services.
Discretionary Grant.
Examples . Financial assistance towards relocation to different properties for disabled persons. Grants are means tested.
Contact Social Services
Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014
This act gives disabled or those assisted by social services more say in their care and support.
Full Details at http://gov.wales/topics/health/socialcare
or the local authority social services.
The RNIB are able to assist people with sensory issues to 'Get On Line'
Please CLICK HERE to read more detailed information:
The following information has been received from Wakefield
Hi All,
See below from one of our members that may be of interest to anyone who served in HM Forces that may have been exposed to harmful substances e.g. asbestos and are trying to claim compensation.
The Crown Proceedings Act 1947 provides immunity to the Crown from civil and criminal liability. The Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1978 repealed this draconian legislation except for service personnel who were subjected to negligence prior to October 1986.
If for example, you were a serving Royal Navy engineer working alongside a civilian engineer on a warship in HM Dockyard Portsmouth in 1960 and both were exposed to asbestos and have now been or fear being diagnosed with the fatal lung disease mesothelioma, the civilian dockyard engineer would be entitled to compensation of about £160,000circa whereas the RN engineer would might receive a small fraction of the current pay out, that is if he/she survives one year.
Apparently the MOD were well aware of the lethal dangers of this mineral and continued to allow their personnel to work with it without any warning and without protective clothing in the knowledge they were safe from litigation.The various veteran associations and charities are trying to get the MOD to accept liability and pay lump sum compensation to victims and next of kin equal to that of their civilian counterparts.
Unfortunately it will be of no surprise that they are having an uphill struggle. On Saturday 24 Oct the Independent newspaper printed an article on the subject calling for the Government to address this situation where a minority group of Armed Service personnel are being disadvantaged. It is highly likely that there are number of our membership, like myself, who are in this minority disadvantaged group and they should not accept they are not entitled to full compensation because they wore the uniform of the HM Armed Services.
May I ask your all your readers, especially those who served in HM Forces before 1987 to consider if they were exposed the wilful neglect of the MOD and if they think that are suffering or likely to suffer in the future they are asked to contact the Veterans Association UK, Royal British
Aged 55 years or more - get low cost train tickets from Arriva Trains Wales
Our special low cost train tickets for everyone aged 55 or more go on sale today.
Arriva Club 55 train tickets offer amazing value return journeys to hundreds of popular destinations. Find out more at
But hurry - Arriva Club 55 is a time limited special offer!
Health Wise Wales is a new initiative that introduces a new long term study that will monitorhealth and social care in Wales. The site has been set up by a combined team from Cardiff and Swansea Universities, with support from the Welsh Government. The aim is to gain a better on-going understanding of the health and wellbeing of the people in Wales, based on responses from as high a proportion of the Welsh population as possible. The study will be formally launched in February, but during this pilot phase we will be grateful for feedback prior to the official launch. If you live in Wales, do please consider joining the study. Find out more by visiting:
On 1st October 2015 The Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Truast (WAST) introduced the New Clinical Response model, which now dictates how and when a call for help is responded to by them.
The introduction of this model has been undertaken in an attempt to endeavour to prioritise the emergency calls the service receive and make for a speedier response to those who are in most need of the service. In order to assist the public to understand the New Clinical response model they have issued a guide to the public

Once again as part of the Branch's continued research and support both to its members, families and friends we often come across items which we believe will be of help and assistance especially in times of emergency when it is difficult to obtain the information often required by emergency personnel such doctors, nurses and paramedics.
Most people who have smart phones such as an iPhone or similar 'LOCK' the system with a 4 digit code. Which prevents anyone else accessing your phone. But in an emergency that is really when they need to get access to your relatives etc whose details are store in the phone.
Well they can if you set your phone up with an app Called 'Medical ID.' You input all the emergecy information you want onto the applications screen, including drugs, allergies, and In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts
This can be accessed even while the phone is locked by clicking on the emergency options, and then click on the medical id and everything stored on the Medical Id screen.
If you do not have a smart phone, don't panic, you can still CARRY THE CARD. That provides emergency medical advice and contact details together with a list of your more serious illnesses and medications. If you want to carry such a card you can complete one on line, print it and laminate it. It is known from the personal experience of some of our members how beneficial the contents of the card are to medical personnel especially when you are not in a position to answer any questions.
Check out the free cards on http://www.medids.com
Our fiends at Age Cymru, have published their August version of their safeguarding document.
Please take the time to have a look at it there maybe something there that will be of benefit of interest to you
This item is to introduce the new Asbestos Support Group that has been Launched in the South Wales area, The support group has been set up to help and assist people whose lives have been affected by asbestos, or anyone concerned about past exposure to asbestos.
With the help and assistance from the National Asbestos Help line the group can assist with practical and financial advise for asbestos victims and family's.
The group has monthly meetings where victims and family's can meet informally and talk about their experiences and get answers they need while enjoying a cup of tea or coffee,
If anyone would like any further information they can contact Eddie on 07572090500 or contact via email: eddie.gilbertson@gmail.com
from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Friday 27th November 2015 at Taffs Well Rugby Club, Maes Gwyn, Glyn Llyn Square, Taffs Well CF15 7JD
What older people need to know about new driving licence changes
June 8th 2015 saw changes introduced in relation to driving licences in general and for those persons over 70 in particular.
Please click on the below link that takes you to a website that will explain it all. Please take your time to study it all and watch the embedded Video from the DVLA.
That is a question that you hope would never be asked. It is however entirely possible for something to happen to the carer, and not the person that is being cared for, and leave the vulnerable person at risk.
How would anyone know that you are a carer, or the details of the person being cared for if you were injured, unconcious etc.
Well in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, all you have to do is register and, CARRY THE CARD. Please click on the tabs below to be taken to two documents that explain it all, and provide you with all the necessary contact points etc.
So now you can tell someone in the event of anything happening to you!!!!!!
Launch of new service for cancer patients
A new service to improve the care of cancer patients in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan has been officially launched. The Acute Oncology Service, a partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support who have invested £367,000 into the project, provides specialist support for patients in emergency and hospital situations.
Please click here to be linked to more information.
Travel, Critical Illness and similar Insurances.
Several members have highlighted the below.
The Life and Travel Insurance provided by Phillip Williams, Brokers, via the Police Federation does not cover critical illness on retirement and has limitations for pre existing health problems.
These limitations are not unique to this policy.
It is worth checking any insurance policies you have , especially travel and cars , to ensure they have no hidden exclusions and they meet your needs .
Then Maurical may be able to help: Maurical is a local company that specialises in helping the disabled with some of their needs in particular specialised beds. The company is owned and operated by the son of a retired Gwent Police officer who will offer special rates to members and their family. They can be contacted at anytime to discuss rental or buying needs
Click here for link to their website:
R.U. MALE R.U. 65
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - IT KILLS
The aorta is the main blood vessel that supplies blood to the body. Sometimes the wall of the aorta in the abdomen can become weak and stretch to form an aneurysm. If this ruptures the person will suffer a major blood loss that can be fatal. It is primarily a male issue.
At least one of our members has died from this.
All males in Wales on reaching 65 years of age are offered a scan . If there is a problem appropriate action can be taken.
If any male over 65 has not been offered the scan or anyone , male or female , where a close member of the family has suffered this and is concerned about their aorta they should consult their GP.
There are no signs or symptoms for this problem and scanning is the only way to detect it. If you are concerned do speak to your GP.
Further information at www.aaascreening.wales.nhs.uk
Age Concern Cardiff and Vale.
There is a useful web link to this organisation on the welfare page.
Age Concern operates in Cardiff and the Vale under the title Age Connects Cardiff and Vale. They provide support to lonely and vulnerable elderly persons. The organisation can only function through volunteer help. If you are interested in volunteering telephone 029 2240 0030.
The Age Concern website also contains details of solicitors who are registered as being willing to provide wills and lasting powers of attorney for pensioners. They do stress that whilst these solicitors are on a register to provide wills their charges do vary and suggest asking a quote on cost.
The main Narpo website also has details of 3 solicitors who will provide a will making service. There are contact numbers for them on the site. Several have offices in Cardiff. Again ask for a quote as cost vary.

Do you know someone who lives alone,
Could you be the helping hand they might need,
Age Connects Cardiff & the Vale is the operating title of Age Concern Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
Please take the time to copy the link below into your web browser and view the short video to see how with your help in various ways things can change.
or visit the website www.ageconnectscardiff.org.uk

Crossroads Newletters
Crossroads provides help and support to persons lining within the Vale of Glamorgan
A lot of what appears in their newsletters also applies to others no matter where they live. As a result a link is provided here to the Newsletters. But if you want to know more visit their website by clicking on the link located on our LINKS Page:
FEBRUARY 2015 Newsletter
NOVEMBER 2015 Newsletter
The following sites are of interest:
Please click on the bold black text, and the link will be made to the relevant website concerned:
Pensions: http://www.narpo.org
Click the pensions tag.
Your pensions administrator is shown on your pension advice slip.
General advice: http://www.narpo.org
Click the links followed by the advice tab.
Note health , social service and some transport matters are the responsibility of the Welsh Government. See Age Cymru below.
Age Cymru: http://ageuk.org.uk/cymru
Information sheet tab has lots of useful information.
Fact sheet covers most Welsh Government issues such as health.
South Wales Police Chaplin.
The Rev. Glynne James. ( retd from Swansea H Div)
01792 893034.
Welsh Hospital Association.
If you are a contributing member to this scheme do not forget to claim.
Claim form can be downloaded and when completed sent direct to the WHA. They no longer require the Pay Department to countersign it.
Download the form from http://www.whahealthcare.co.uk
Police Convalescent Home
Flint House has 11 beds for police pensioners. To be eligible for the home pensioners must have contributed to the Home through their pay during their service. Further details at http://www.flinthouse.co.uk
Application forms are available from the Police Federation telephone 01639 820222 .
Government Web Site.
All government services are available through the below web link. It is possible to set up a user account and deal with motor car licence, driving licence and passport renewals and similar services through the site. All services are free. There is no charge. https://www.gov.uk
DO NOT USE sites with similar names that charge. These are scams.
Attendance Allowance.
An entitlement to help people who are severely disabled by a physical , mental or sensory condition.
Payable to the disabled person.
Tax free and not effected by savings.
For full conditions and to claim.https://www.gov.uk/attendance-allowance
or telephone 0800 882200
Carers Allowance.
A taxable benefit for persons 16 or over looking after or supporting a friend, relative or neighbour who can not manage without help.
Must provide at least 35 hours a week help.
Cared person must be receiving attendance allowance or PIP
carer must not earn more than £102 per week.
Full details and on line claim forms at https://www.gov.uk/carers-allowance
or telephone 0845 6084321.
For full information on disability benefits go to https://www.gov.uk/browse/benefits/disability
More updates to these links will follow as a result of the research being undertaken on your behalf by the branch welfare officer.
If you hae any queries regarding the scheme and how it is implemented in Wales please click on the following website or copy & paste it into your browser search box.
Are you fed up of paying Premium rates when trying to contact Governement Departments, Various companies etc. Well try this, to avoid premium numbers or incurring cost on smart phones.
The below link gives national numbers in place of 0845 ,0870 and similar pay numbers where you incur extra phone cost. Especially useful on mobile phones where cost can be very high.
Are you in dispute with a utility, organistaion or company. Not getting anywhere, why not take it to the top. eg CEO level.
Well now you can find out now only who they are, but how to contact them direct. Check this out:
Government benefit .
long term ill health or disability.
16 to 64 years
UK resident
requires assessment and reassessment.
Rate £21.55 to £138.50
Replaces disability living allowance
Examples. Help with preparing food and eating. Washing , bathing and toilet, dressing reading and communicating. Managing medicines and treatment Mobility.
The list is not exhaustive. This is a complex benefit. Search the net for the allowance and advice.
General Information telephone 0345 850 3322
Claim telephone 0800 917 2222
As part of the branch's continued research and supportboth to its members, families and friends we often come across items which we believe will be of help and assistance especially in times of emergency when it is difficult to obtain the information often required by emergency personnel such doctors, nurses and paramedics.
Which is why we a suggesting that members who have health issues carry a card that provides emergency medical advice and contact details together with a list of your more serious illnesses and medications. If you want to carry such a card you can complete one on line, print it and laminate it. It is known from the personal experience of some of our members how beneficial the contents of the card are to medical personnel especially when you are not in a position to answer any questions.
Check out the free cards on http://www.medids.com