National Association of Retired Police Officers - (CARDIFF BRANCH)
Of Service - To Those Who Served


It is with regret that the Officers and Committee members of the NARPO Cardiff Branch notify our members of the passing of the following, Acknowledging that some may not have been members of the branch, but they were former colleagues, and friends of our members and were a part of the larger Police family in their lifetime.
BROWN: Lillian It is with deep regret that we inform our members of the passing on 14th February 2025 of Mrs. Lillian Brown.
Lillian was the widow of the late DC Malcolm Brown (BIG MALCOLM).
1:30 pm Wednesday, 26th March 2025, at Wenallt Chapel, Thornhill Crematorium, Thornhill Rd, Cardiff
CF14 9UA. The family have requested no flowers, however, donations can be made at the funeral to the Forget Me Not Cafe
PANTER: Barry It is with deep regret that we inform our makers of the passing following a Road Traffic Collisions on 13th February 2025 of retired Constable 410 Barry Panter.
Born in Bedford, he left home at the age of 19 to join the RAF. After leaving the military, he then served in the South Wales Constabulary for 23 years, during which the father-of-two received several commendations for his courage and service to the community. Following retirement he moved to North Staffordshire where he once again became involved in the community becoming a member of the local authority and was elected to the post of Mayor of Newcastle under Lyme for 2024/25.
The image below has been obtained from the local Newcastle upon Lyme media
1:15 pm Thursday 20th March 2025 at All Saints Church, Vicarage Lane Madeley Newcastle-under-Lyme, Cheshire. CW3 9PH and later at 3:20 pm at Bradwell Crematorium, Chatterley Cl, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 8LE
This will be a Civic Ceremony as he was the serving mayor for Newcastle under Lyme.

WATKINS: Alan. It is with deep regret that on behalf of the Swansea branch, we advise our members of the passing on 14th February 2025 of retired P/Sgt. 2070 Alan Watkins.
Alan was a Swansea Borough officer and served most of his service in Swansea. For the last few years he worked as a sergeant in the Swansea Control Room (WACR) until his retirement.
2:35 pm Monday 17th March 2025 at Ty Hedd Funeral Home, Mynyddgarnllwyd Road, Morriston, Swansea
SA6 7QG. This will be followed by a private cremation service.
Notice is hereby given that the 76th Annual General Meeting of the Cardiff Branch of the National Association of Retired Police Officers will take place at 2:00 pm on Tuesday 11th March 2025 at the Fairwater Conservative Club, Cardiff. The Notice and agenda are attached below:
01/2025 PB


In conjunction with Frank & Mel Stockham the branch Social Secretaries, Paul Hayes the Branch Secretary and Howard Cooper of the Monday club the following dates are for the events shown in 2025. Further details including where appropraite application forms, menus etc will be placed on the EVENTS PAGE of the website nearer the date. These dates are supplied in order that members can enter them on their own personal calendars/diaries in advance and reduce the risk not being able to attend due to previous commitments.
It would be good to see some new faces at events, including the Quiz Nights and also at the committee meetings and the AGM.
10th March 2025 MONDAY CLUB. Wetherspoons Central Bar Windsor Place*
11th March 2025 NARPO COMMITTEE Fairwater Conservative Club **. + AGM
21st March 2025 SPRING QUIZ. Fairwater Conservative Club
7th April 2025 MONDAY CLUB. Wetherspoons Central Bar Windsor Place*
13th May 2025 NARPO COMMITTEE Fairwater Conservative Club **
14th May 2025. SPRING LUNCH Whitchurch Golf Club, Cardiff
8th July 2025. NARPO COMMITTEE Fairwater Conservative Club **
9th September 2025. NARPO COMMITTEE Fairwater Conservative Club **
11th November 2025 NARPO COMMITTEE Fairwater Conservative Club **
3rd December 2025. CHRISTMAS LUNCH Whitchurch Golf Club, Cardiff
13th January 2026 NARPO COMMITTEE Fairwater Conservative Club **. (TBC)
10th March 2026 NARPO COMMITTEE Fairwater Conservative Club **. +AGM
* = Provisional date (Monday Club)
** = MEETINGS Commence at 14:00 Hrs in the case of an AGM. The AGM will precede that usual Branch Meeting also listed for that date.
If you are a NARPO Cardiff member and have been receiving our e-bulletins to a BT related email account such as @btinternet.com or @btopenworld.com etc. You may have noticed that you are not receiving our e-bulletins as frequently as you have in the past. Our bulletin feedback indicates that our emails to you are being bounce by the BT related servers and do not appear to be reaching you our members and BT's customer. Unfortunately, our attempts to speak with BT on your behalf have hit a stumbling block in that due to the ever growing range of excuses given under GDPR they will only speak with the customers directly. At present this impacts between 50 & 60 members each time we transmit a bulletin. This means that you do not receive the news that we wish to impart to you, and you do not get to read about events and functions.
The only way around this is for you the BT Customers to raise complaints with their service department, in doing so please advise them that you are not the only one's impacted and request they sort it out. The last time we as an organisation had this issue with BT it took Mr. Dave A'herne a considerable amount of time and effort acting on behalf of both NARPO Cardiff as the then chairman, and also as a BT Customer on that occasion it was taken to the CEO level at BT
Should any member wish to supply an alternate email address for the delivery of the bulletins please notify Paul Bryant (Web Administrator) using the email template on the CONTACT US page of this website. Please include the BT email address you wish to delete and the new address. We will then amend the bulletin system and also arrange for your branch record to be updated accordingly to show the new address.
09/2024 PB
NARPO HQ at Wakefield have from the 1st March 2022 introduced a an exclusive members - only gated content area on their website www.narpo.org
This is designed to ensure that their advice on pensions, offers and other alerts remain exclusive to NARPO members. Selected areas's of the Wakefield website will now require a LOGIN to access the gated area.
The current password will be found in ISSUE 109 of The NARPO NEWS Magazine or by LOGIN to the members only area of our website visiting the top of the COMMITTEES CONTACT Page
You may recall that back in September 2023 we advised our members that the branch was undertaking a detailed review of the branch records of all members, in order to ensure that the branch was fully compliant with the General Data Protection Rules.
This essential work is still 'Ongoing' with many hundreds of branch records to be checked and validated. You can help ease the pressure on those undertaking the work by completing the GDPR form that was circulated in September and submitting it as outlined below.
If you have already done so please accept the committee's grateful thanks.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those members who have so far sent in the forms in relation to our GDPR Update.
We have had some queries in relation to this and I hope this message will clarify those and explain the reasons behind the request we are asking.
National have moved over membership details to one central secure system in doing so it has highlighted several issues with the details we hold. In fact, I would say what we don’t have.
Which is other than most of the recent joining members, who now completed the same details as we are asking for on the GDPR form. It has shown that we have many details missing.
It is important for us to have all the details on the form as each is relevant to the services we supply.
Examples of this are pension issues with widow’s or widowers, the pension providers require the full name and NI number, then if issues arise the DOB and address.
Without these completed it enables us to supply assistance to our members or their families in the case of issues that arise such as the passing of a member or and welfare needs.
It also means we can insure you are contacted with the most up to date information, offers and support that is available to you as a member.
It is important that you help us with this task and assure you that anything supplied is securely stored.
I once again ask you on behalf of the committee that if you have not already completed a form recently that you do, please.
If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to ask via email cardiff@narpo.org
07/2024 PB
The form is a MS Word .DOCX file and will download to your computer download folder.please complete the form on your computer, save it, and then forward it to the following email address:
If you experience difficulties downloading the MS Word file via the above link. Please click on the below to receive a .pdf document. Please print the document off, complete it using a pen, scan the document to your computer, and forward the scanned copy to the email address above:
CLICK HERE FOR .PDF file format
The following item has appeared on our branch Facebook group and is published here for the benefit of all our members. If you wish to play, please make direct contact with Gareth Heatley as outlined below:
Calling upon all Golfers
It has been proposed to hold this years Annual NARPO (Swansea) Golf day at Fairwood Golf Club on Friday, 30th May 2025, with a 10 am start.
The cost of the event is yet to be finalised and will be dependent on numbers.
The format for the day is a yellow tee stableford with a maximum handicap allowance of 28. Prizes for nearest the pin and longest drive.
Followed by a one course meal when you come off the course.
If you would like to play, please forward your name, handicap, preferred playing partners (partners can’t be guaranteed but we will try) to Gareth Heatley via Gareth.heatley@talktalk.net
Fellow member Richie Jones will be our SPOC at Fairwood.
03/2025 PB
We are extremely grateful to Mr. Dave A'Herne for bringing this item to our attention. We are aware that NARPO is a non-political organisation, however, one of its principles is to look after the welfare and the pension rights of its members, including those of widow members. To that end, we are publishing the recent article published in Wales on Line for the information of all members who may not have become aware of his latest plans.
Please take the time to read the article via the link below:
03/2025 PB
We are pleased to advise our members that HURTIGRUTEN is now a Platignum Travel partner with NARPO.
Since 1893, Hurtigruten has been the heart of Norwegian coastal travel. Sail with Hurtigruten to experience authentic journeys with unmatched expertise and unforgettable scenery.
For more information about this and other travel partners, please click on the link below. BUT remember you will need the PASSWORD to gain full access
03/2025 PB
The following has been received from the South Wales Police Federation at Pencoed and is reproduced below together with a copy of the circular mentioned:
Dear Sir/Madam
As of 1st March 2025, the GIS membership will be changing in respect of retired South Wales members of the Scheme.
We are looking to circulate the attached update of information and monthly premium to members and be grateful if NARPO would be able to assist in circulating via your Branch NARPO website and Newsletter to ensure our members are fully aware of the changes. We will also be updating the information via our website.
Gwent Federation have informed that they use their local NARPO branches to assist with the circulation.
We would be most grateful if you would confirm that this can be done through your Branch NARPO and look forward to hearing from you.
03//2025 PB
'1984' is a song that Jeff Barley wrote and recorded several years ago, and at that time it successfully entered the reverbnation charts where it remained, but as with all charts, it dropped down the charts.
It now appears to have seen a resurgence in interest with lots more downloads and listeners. So much so it has now reached the No. 2 slot in the same charts. If you have not previously downloaded and listened to it then here is your chance. Lots of new members to the branch may not have been aware of Jeff Barley and his music so here is your chance to, and in doing so you might just help Jeff to hit the No. 1 spot.
To hear the song please either click on the link below or copy it into your search line. You can also hear lots more of Jeff's music by visiting the BOOK, MUSIC & OTHER THING page on this website:
02/2025 PB


The following has been received from NARPO HQ at Wakefield and is reproduced here for the benefit of our members
Good Afternoon All,
Just to let you all know, our new Platinum advertising partner, Quilter are hosting some free webinars on general financial planning.
These may be of interest to your members, if you wish to share it with them, please find more information here:
Kind Regards,


Application forms for the Spring Lunch to be held on Wednesday 14th May 2025 at the Whitchurch Golf Club, Cardiff are now available to download from the EVENTS page located under the MEMBERS-ONLY menu.
PLEASE REMEMBER - you need to LOGIN to gain access to the MEMBERS-ONLY Menu
02/2025 PB
Your help is needed in relation to a cold case:
It would have been a stranger rape in Newbridge Fields, Bridgend, and it is believed to have occurred late at night/early morning hours on a date in July 1985.
The IP has stated that at the time she reported it to the police and she was forensically examined. We have had no luck tracing an original file, so I am hoping that maybe an officer from that time might remember something about it.
If you think you can help in any way; please make direct contact with Bethan Crisfield using the email address below. Please mention where you saw the item as the appeal is going out across all NARPO Branches
02/2025 PB
The below has been copied from SWANSEA NARPO Facebook group, if you wish to support please click on the link at the bottom of the article, whilst we appreciate the event has already taken place the need for donations still continues:
Retired DC 1374 Mark Davies (Davis to his friends) is doing a charity walk from Cardiff to his home in Taibach, some 31 miles, in aid of Motor Neuron Disease. He has asked that members be aware and hopefully some of you will be prepared to donate to his effort.
This is his message to Swansea NARPO:
‘ Davis here, just a heads up, myself and a close friend are hoping to walk from Cardiff to Taibach on the 31st January ,a total of 32 miles in order to raise funds for the Motor Neurone charity .My younger brother has sadly contracted the disease and myself and my mate have both lost close friends .We are trying to raise as much as possible and I have a "Just Giving" page on my face book account .I was wondering if Narpo would make a donation or could you send out a general e mail to members for me .It would be much appreciated’.
If you would like to support him there is a Just Giving link on his Facebook page .
Swansea NARPO has made a contribution. If you are able to please contribute to a great cause in aide of an awful condition. Thank you.
02/20225 PB
The below has been received from Mr. James Mortimer and is self-explanatory. Should a member wish to help please contact the writer directly at the email provided. Please mention NARPO Cardiff in your message:
I am an Assistant Producer from Boldprint Studios - a TV production company in London. I am currently researching a series about true crime history in the UK, this is in the early development phase at the moment.
The series is potentially going to delve into how crimes in history were solved and as part of our research, we are speaking to ex-detectives to find out more about their career, I wondered if any of your members of the Cardiff branch of NARPO would be open to a short call to talk about their experiences.
I would be so grateful for your time. Let me know your thoughts, and thank you for your time reading this.
Best wishes,
James Mortimer
Email: james.mortimer@boldprintstudios.com
02/2025 PB
The below update has been received from NARPO Wakefield and is published here for the benefit of our members and readers:
Officers from Cheshire Police have arrested a man in London following allegations of fraud involving a campaign that was set up following the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher.
WPC Fletcher, 25, died in 1984 after she was shot while on duty outside the Libyan Embassy in London. Following her death an investigation was undertaken by the Met Police but to date nobody has been convicted of her murder.
In July 2024, the Met Police received reports of financial irregularities regarding the campaign to bring to justice those responsible for the murder of WPC Fletcher.
To ensure there was no conflict of interest, the case was passed to Cheshire Police who have today, Wednesday 4 December, conducted a search warrant at an address in the Mill Hill area of London where they arrested a 69-year-old man.
The man has been arrested on suspicion of fraud, he has since been released under investigation pending further enquiries.
Detective Constable Ed Currie, of the Cheshire Police Economic Crime Unit, said:
“We understand the concern that this arrest is likely to cause, and our colleagues from the Met Police are closely linked with the family of Yvonne who have been updated on today’s developments.
“As part of ongoing enquiries, we’re keen to hear from anyone who believes that they may, at any time, have donated to the campaign to bring about justice for WPC Yvonne Fletcher. This is not linked to Yvonne’s family nor is it to be confused with the official Police Memorial Trust charity.
“Anyone who believes that they may have donated to the campaign to obtain justice for Yvonne is asked to visit the Public Portal .”
If your information is urgent please call Cheshire Police on 101 quoting Op Dielectric
01/2025 PB
John Tumelty has come across the photo below and believes it might be from a 1970s CCP RFC tour to Berlin, but he cannot be sure. Can you help? Are you in the photo? Did you go on this tour? If so, can you enlighten John and everyone who sees the photo where this tour was destined for?
The web administrator was not based in Cardiff in the 1970s but did come to the aid of C & D Divisions when he was serving with the force SPG Units. So his challenge is, can you name the people in the photo? He recognises some but would like to put a list of those in the photo with their location on the photo so that it can remain in the archives section of the site.
Please send your suggestions to the web administrator using the email template on the CONTACT US Page
01/2025 PB

The following update in relation to the above image has been received from Gerry Steer and provides a brief history / memory jerker for those pondering on the image:
This early 1970’s tour to Berlin was arranged for Cardiff Division Police by John Cotterell (Ex Welsh Guards) with his brother who was a serving RSM in the Welsh Guards stationed at Spandau Barracks, Berlin. Two games were arranged, one against the Welsh Guards and the second against Combined Services (Won).
From Left to Right:
Back Row – Tony Howard(D), Terry Budd, Denzil Hartley(D), Don Murphy, Peter Bartlett, Bernard Donovan,
Paul Harding(D), Bill Bryant, Bill Quick , Alan N/K, Louis Hughes(D), Reg Dyer, Bob Morgan, Graham Anthony,
Kevin Tumulty
Middle Row – John Cotterrell(D), Clive Thomas, John Tumulty, Gerard Steer, Glyn Collins(D), Alf Bowen,
John Williams(D), N/K, N/K, Andy Dominguez,
Front Row – John Tombs, Andy Evans, Howard Lucas, Terry Stephenson, Barry Gregory, Billy
Morgan(D), Len Davies, Nick Lody, Keith Joshua
*(D) - Deceased
01/2025 PB
We are reliably informed that the Photo below is in fact the CCP RFC Tour to Berlin in the early 1980's. The photograph was taken on the steps outside Rumney Police Station, Cardiff. But memories may have faded somewhat and the names of those in this photograph have not been included. So the challenge is can you name them together with their position in the photograph. We will then place a name plaque below the image so it to can be placed in the Archives
01/2025 PB

BACK ROW - Andy Carnell, N/K . Bob Lowe?, Gary Sullivan?, Phil Cunningham (D)
CENTRE AREA - Dave Goddard? Simon Evans, Chris Petterson , Meredith Hughes, Tommy Page. Bill Morgan. N/K. Bill Bryant
FRONT ROW - Peter Thomas?, Steve Thomas, Seymour (Sedge) John, Andy Church, N/K. N/K, Barry Gregory, Darren Millard? Nick Lody?
CROUCHED Martin Pengelley, Ken Gooding
Application forms for the Spring Quiz 2025 are now available to DOWNLOAD from the EVENTS page of our website. This years quiz will be held once again at the Fairwater Conservative Club,61 Ely Road, Cardiff, CF5 2BY on Friday 21st March 2025 and The Quiz Master will be Mr Doug Baker
01/2025 PB
The following has been extracted from a Facebook Group and relates to hospitals in the Bro Morganwg area:
Visiting one of our emergency departments at Prince Charles Hospital, the Princess of Wales Hospital, or the Royal Glamorgan Hospital this week?
From today, until further notice, you’ll be asked to wear a mask when you arrive to help prevent the spread of flu.
We’re seeing an increase in flu cases in our hospitals and wearing a mask is an effective way to prevent yourself from catching or spreading the virus.
If someone brings flu into a hospital, it can pose a real risk to the health of patients and cause sickness among our staff, so we need to do everything we can to keep the virus at bay.
Keep yourself safe, protect our patients and help our staff keep your loved-ones safe and well.
Masks are being made available near the entrances at each of the three emergency departments.
Thank you for your support and cooperation.
12/2024 PB
New Years Honours List 2025
On behalf of the Officers, Committee and fellow members we congratulate:
Mr Kevin Hugh Tumelty on being awarded an OBE
Mr Conway Hawkins on being awarded the BEM
and Chief Constable Jeremy Mark Vaughan on being awarded the KPM
In the New Years Honours List 2025

Congratulations and well done to Steve Bartley on receiving the Slimming World certificate for losing 2 Stone, 12.7 Kilos for those who prefer metric.
It has taken him 6 months but as he says it has been well worth it.
Admin Note:
Thanks Steve for publishing the original item on Facebook and starting a conversation. Men in general DO NOT talk about most things especially from a health and welfare point of view. Hopefully, this will be the start of other conversations. NARPO Cardiff has their own Facebook group so if you want to chat to others why not join the group and start a chat about something, you never know others may be able to help you.
12/2024 PB
The below request has been received via NARPO at Wakefield and is placed here for the information of our members and others who may visit our website:
Balcombe Street Gang/IRA - interviews with retired officers
We are working on a proposed documentary about the Balcombe Street Gang, a division of the IRA in the 1970s that as I'm sure you know, carried out a string of terrorist attacks across the UK in the 1970s. We would hugely appreciate the opportunity to interview any of you who were involved with investigating either the Balcombe Street Gang, or the IRA in general.
We are looking for the testimonies of those who were there at the time protecting our society from terrorism - and the stories you have to share. Happy to discuss all terms, conditions, and areas for discussion if you are interested.
To get more details and chat further - email me at: tony.mcmahon@fabula-tv.com
All the best,
Tony McMahon
Director, Fabula TV Limited - https://fabula-tv.com/
Mobile: 07730 043989
11/2024 PB
We have received the below request for help from the author & hIstoriran Mr. Tony Moore
Dear Paul,
Many thanks for agreeing to help. Just a bit of background. As I am sure you know the Police Service started the 2nd World War as a Reserve Occupation. Only those who had previously served in the military were recalled. In early 1942, the head of the Commandos, Brigadier-General Haydon, approached the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Philip Game, with a request that young fit policemen be allowed to volunteer for the Commandos. As a result 68 Metropolitan Police officers attended what was known as the First Police Intake at the Commando Basic Training Centre at Achnacarry in Scotland from 24 June to 27 August 1942. This was then opened up to all the Police Forces in Britain as a result of which 273 policemen attended the 2nd Police Intake at Achnacarry from 23 July to 24 September 1942.
The four officers that I have identified from the Cardiff City Force were part of this intake:
William J 'Bill' Everett, His parent regiment was the Welch Regiment (army number 14241614, but his service was with 3 Commando.
Samuel Lyndon 'Sam' Hooper. Parent regiment Welch Regiment (army number 14241616, but again his service was with 3 Commando.
Everett and Hooper were both reported missing on 14 July 1943 during the Battle for Malati Bridge in Sicily and subsequently became Prisoners of War in Stalag 18A, Wolfsberg, Austria. This was a very famous battle that 3 Commando took part in which so impressed General Montgomery that he had a stone, on which was engraved 3 Commando Bridge, inserted into the stonework of the bridge which is still there to this day.
The other two Cardiff City officers are:
Leslie Daniel Evans, born 12 November 1919. His parent regiment is shown as Welsh Guards (army number 14241613). He also served with 3 Commando. In the 1939 Register (which was taken nationwide for the purpose of issuing Ration Books) he is shown as a Police Constable at Bridge Street Police Station, Cardiff. He was a post-war member of the Commandos Association residing in Cardiff.
W J C Howells. His parent regiment is shown as the Welsh Regiment (army number 14241617). Also served with 3 Commando. It would appear that he may have been wounded or taken ill at some time because he was at one time in 96 British General Hospital which I believe was in Algiers in North Africa. He was a post-war member of the Commando Association residing in Llanelly, Carmarthenshire.
I have yet to trace a full list of 3 Commando who were at Malati Bridge, but given all four Cardiff City policemen served with 3 Commando, I suspect Lewis and Howells were with Everett and Hooper.
There was a 3rd Intake of police officers who attended the CBTC. This totalled 84 officers who attended between 15 October 1942 and 18 January 1943 but I have no record of Cardiff City officers being on this intake..
I am not sure whether you have access to the Cardiff City police records or whether you have a police historian amongst you, but if you do I would be interested in:
a) their full names, if not already shown?
b) their dates of birth, if not already shown?
c) the date each joined the Cardiff City Force?
d) whether they returned to the Police Service after the war and whether they were promoted and did anything outstanding?
e) if they did return, the date they retired, hopefully, in most cases after 25/30 years pensionable service? I believe Everett and Hooper both did 30 years, and were members of the Traffic Department when they retired.
I am aware Cardiff City became part of South Wales on 1 June 1969 but am assuming that, because this was 30 years after the outbreak of war, all four would have left before then.
Many years later, in 2012, Hooper gave an interview to the press about his experiences in which he suggested that about ten police officers from the Cardiff City Force volunteered for the Commandos. Not everyone qualified for the famous Green Beret and I have no doubt some of the 253 police officers on the Second Intake failed, but if any of your members have knowledge of any other Cardiff City policemen who served in either the Army or the Royal Marine Commandos during World War II, I would be extremely pleased to hear about them.
I have, so far, identified 234 police officers from Aberdeen in the north to Cornwall in the south who joined the Commandos, in addition to the Metropolitan Police officers, who were members of the Army Commandos. I also have a list of about 20 who were Royal Marine Commandos. I would much appreciate any information you are able to give me on the Cardiff City officers.
I shall be attending the Police History Society Conference which is being held at the Police Federation HQ in Leatherhead in just over 2 weeks time, 15 to 17 November, so, if there are any police historians from Cardiff that you are aware might be attending, hopefully we can make contact.
Kind regards,
Tony Moore
If you believe you can help please make direct contact with Tony Moore on the email address below:
10/2024 PB
The branch is exceedingly grateful to Mr. John Revill, who from records he holds has provided Mr. Tony Moore with lots of information concerning his quest. The following are details of the initial information John has supplied. They are now in contact in relation to other military personnel. Once again many thanks John for all the help and support you are able to provide.
Regarding the query from Mr. Tony Moor.
Here are the results of my search. :-
(1). William John Everett, born on 8.11.1921. Appointed as Constable 9’B’ in CCP on
31.3.1941. He rejoined the CCP on 25.10.1945. He must have been a member of
S.W.C. after amalgamation. I do not currently have his retirement date. He died on
(2). Samuel Lyndon Hooper, born on 10.5.1922. Appointed as Constable 28’B’ in
CCP on 19.5.1941. He rejoined the CCP on 25.10.1945, same day as Everett.
Sam was also a member of the SWC upon amalgamation and at the moment
I do not know his date of retirement. He retired as Sergeant and took up the post of
Chief Security Officer at the University Hospital of Wales., Cardiff
(3). Leslie Daniel Evans, born on 12.11.1919. Appointed as Constable 73’B’ in
CCP on 1.5.1939. He rejoined the CCP on 22.9.1945. He retired as PS 49 on
30.4.1969. He died on 7.2.1984.
(4). I cannot find any record of W.J.C.Howells. I cannot identify his full name
and there is no record of him in the old CCP appointments / retirement register.
Neither is he listed as joining the armed services during the war or returning
to the force.
Regarding Howells, perhaps you could let Mr. Moor know that there were other
police forces in Cardiff at the time, including the British Transport Police and the Docks
Police. Also the Special Constabulary.
At least 52 Cardiff police officers enlisted into the Army during the War, with
a similar number joining the R.A.F. in addition to those who joined the Navy.
I have a copy of the original register identifying all those who enlisted.
Hope this is of help to Mr. Moor. Should he want further help please give him my
email address. Can I ask you to forward this response to Mr. Moor.
Regards, JR
11/2024 PB
Are you going to be travelling abroad soon, are you going to anywhere in Europe that is within the Schengen Travel area, then please read the below. It will at the very least prepare you for whatt is to come:
From November 2024, the EU plans to introduce the Entry/Exit system (EES). This is a new digital border system that will change requirements for British nationals travelling to the Schengen area.
If you are travelling to a country in the Schengen area using a UK passport, you will be required to register your biometric details, such as fingerprints or a photo, when you arrive. EES registration will replace the current system of manually stamping passports when visitors arrive in the EU.
The exact date that EES will be introduced has not been confirmed.
10/2024 PB
Following incorporation Cardiff Branch is a branch of The National Association of Retired Police Officers is a company limited by guarantee incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company registration number 15415367.
A list of the directors of National Association of Retired Police Officers can be inspected at our registered office: NARPO House, 38 Bond Street, Wakefield WF1 2QP. NARPO is a business name of National Association of Retired Police Officers
As part of the incorporation processes we now have to display the full title of The National Association of Retired Police Office (Cardiff Branch) and the Company number. Hence the changes to the Banner of the website and this notice now appearing here. Nothing has changed it is merely a legal requirement under the act of incorporation
09/2024 PB
We have received the following update in relation to the NARPO Travel Insurance Policy which will be of benefit to all members:
CSIS travel insurance policy for NARPO members has been updated to include a pro-rata rate for those joining part way through the Scheme insurance period which starts on 1st June each year. The relevant changes and FAQ’s are on our website:
09/2024 PB
Congratulations to Mr. Jeff Barley on reaching the number 1 Slot in the ReverbNation charts. with his latest recording 'SPEECHLESS" If you haven't had a chance to listen to it yet please click the link below, or download it to your computer and listen at your leisure & pleasure
09/2024 PB
It is not often we receive a copy of an item that is a piece of Policing History. We are most grateful to Mr. Ian Tumelty for supplying this copy of a Cardiff City Police Order from 1966. Undoubtedly, there will be some names on here that many members will recall.
09/2024 PB
It has been a while since our song writing superstar has entered the recording studio, but Jeff Barley has done it again.
His latest recoding has been set and can now be heard by simply clicking on the link below. 'SPEECHLESS' tells the story of a girl who says that she is just meeting up with her girl friends for chat, when behind her big blue eyes, she has other plans!!!
Hope you enjoy Jeff's unique musical style once again
The following has been received by our Branch Secretary and id reproduced here for the information and benefit of our members
Dear Paul,
I Hope you’re well?
As you will know, Police Care UK is an independent charity, and operates to assist both serving and retired police officers, police staff, and police volunteers (including cadets), across all UK police forces, who have been ‘harmed as a result of policing’. It providesfree practical, emotional, and financial assistance to individuals within the police family who are in need. Receiving no support from the state, it relies entirely on donations to deliver the assistance it provides.
Over the last few years, we’ve delivered presentations in support of the NARPO branch welfare officer’s courses, so following on from these, and ahead of the conference in Torquay next month, please find attached;
A copy of our Legacy Giving Brochure
A copy of our Payroll Giving Brochure
A copy of our Payroll Giving Form
Respectfully submitted for dissemination to your members.
If you would like hard copies of these brochures, (or any other leaflets), please do let me know. For any of your members who may be interested, we also have a Fundraising Guide.
Many thanks for your ongoing support and best wishes,
Dave Blundell
Engagement Officer
Police Care UK
Nova Scotia House, 70 Goldsworth Road, Woking, GU21 6LQ
0300 012 0030
01483 940118
08/2024 PB

If you are looking to take out travel insurance, as a NARPO member, you have access to a unique policy as part of your membership benefits.
In association with our partners at the Civil Service Insurance Society (CSIS) we are pleased to be able to offer a ‘fit to travel’ insurance policy via PJ Hayman, at a fixed price, for members aged between the ages of 50-79. The policy has a common renewal date of the 01st June,
For more information please CLICK HERE
07/2024 PB
When you were in 'The Job' the vast majority of you wore uniform tunics, well at least for the first two years.
Some of you may well have a few hanging about in the loft, in suitcases, or other locations within your homes. They are probably gathering dust, and will never see the light of day. Well here is a golden opportunity for you to recycle them. South Wales Police no longer issue tunics as part of an officer's uniform. As a result the South Wales Police band no longer have access to tunics which they wear whilst representing the force at various events in the force area and further afield on a National basis. The band needs your help, if you have any uniform tunics hanging around the house and you want to get rid of them then please recycle/repurpose them by donating them to the band.
Persons who may be able to assist in the provision of old uniforms are requested to contact with Gareth Laugharne email: gareth.laugharne@hotmail.co.uk
06/2024 PB
We are being advised via our service providers that e-bulletins, and e-mails sent to our members from the website are being 'BOUNCED' by the members service providers. i.e. ntlworld.com and virginmedia.com
the below text is the message being received back from our service provider:
The outbound connection was established to the server for the recipient domain ntlworld.com by mxin5.virginmedia.com. [], but was unable to complete the message transaction, either because of time-out, or inadequate connection quality.
All members with such accounts are requested to contact their service provider and seek a resolution from them. We as a branch are already aware from previous issues involving these companies and others that their technical departments will not discuss anything with as due to GDPR. and therefore cannot seek any resolution on your behalf.
Bouncing of an email means that you no longer receive an e-bulletins from narpocardiff.com, as a result you will not be made aware of various things such as events, pension issues, and other newsworthy items.
Contact your service provider and request they stop blocking our e-bulletins etc. as explained above we cannot do this for you.
Create a separate email mail account with a different service provider eg gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc provide that email account to the web administrator who will then arrange delivery of all narpocardiff.com ebulletins etc to the new email address provided by you the member
Should you wish any further guidance please contact the web administrator via the email template on the CONTACT US page of the website www.narpocardoff.com
05/2024 PB

CWGC graves located at
Cathays Cemetery, Cardiff
(Photo courtesy of Paul Bryant)
The following has been received from Wakefield on behalf of retired ACC Joe Frost and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. If you wish to volunteer please make direct contact via the email given below:.
'Hi Sandra
You kindly copied me to SWales NARPO seeking volunteers and there was a great response. There is a need for volunteers in West Wales could you copy message to our colleagues over there.
The co-ordinator is katherine.pettersen@cwgc.org and volunteering involves visiting war graves 2 or 3 times annually, reporting on condition and cleaning, with water only, where necessary. As an illustration I look after 29 war graves in 11 locations in South Herefordshire.
Very many thanks Joe'
04/2024 PB
The latest edition of NARPO Horizons is available to view on the www.narpo.org website or by:
please remember you MUST log in with the password to be able to access the content of the NARPO Horizons
07/2024 PB
We have received the below from Wakefield about the Police Covenant Campaign, please check out the links embedded within the circulation and consider writing to your MP to gain more support for the campaign.
Circulated to All Branch Secs and NEC members
For your information, please see copies below of links placed on the NARPO website today in relation to work around our Police Covenant Campaign.
Can all members please be made aware of the links and encouraged to view and make use of the attached letter to raise awareness of our campaign with their respective MP’s.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Steve Wilcock sent on behalf of Alan Lees, CEO
The following update has been received from Mr. Steve Bartley and is published here for the benefit of all our readers:
Morning both,
As part of my NARPO welfare Officer duties, I have made some enquiries with Flint House regarding their rehabilitation facilities.
The lady I spoke to was most helpful and told me more about their donation scheme for retired police officers.
I have heard about it but have never got around to finding out the details.
Anyway, if you sign up to make a donation of £5 per month. This entitles you to apply for treatment following a clinical assessment. Details of how to apply for treatment is under the 'Get help now' section of the website.
Once you have signed up, you are entitled to apply.
It maybe that many of our colleagues are already aware of this.
Please feel free to share this information with our members.
The website link is below.
Regularly Donate - Flint House Police Rehabilitation
Members can also read about other members experinces of attending Flint House by visiting the FLINT HOUSE page located under the Health & Welfare menu
04/2024 PB
Not many people appear to know about this issue and the associated petition that goes with it.. It could impact on you or someone you know who lives in a rural area. Please take the time to read it and its possible impact, and if you feel you want to support it then please click on the link and sign the petition.
All is quiet on the Triple Lock at the moment but concern is growing over the rushed switch over of traditional landlines to a broadband based system (VoIP or Digital Voice), due to be completed throughout the UK by 2025. Many personal and burglar alarm systems are incompatible with Digital Voice and there is no means to make emergency calls in a power cut or an internet outage, unless you have a reliable mobile signal. Vulnerable customers are also worried about the increased costs of new contracts and equipment.
So Silver Voices has allied with the Digital Poverty Alliance to publish a petition on the official government website, calling for a delay in the forced switchover for at least five years, until all these issues of personal safety and reliability are sorted out.
Please sign and share the petition on the following link!
01/2024 PB
The below has been received from Mr Allan Crocombe Glamorgan branch secretary and is published here for the benefit of our members and other visitors to the site.
Some members have been receiving an E-mail from XPS Pension Administrators over the last couple of days. Being concerned that this E-mail is yet another SCAM - inquiries were made by a recipient of XPS by telephone to ascertain the authenticity of the E-mail. He was informed that the E-mail was a genuine enquiry from XPS in relation to accessing his pension account - he had not been a regular in checking his monthly pay details and had not previously set-up a link since the paper pay-slips had stopped being delivered. The E-mail offered him the opportunity to now do so.
Whilst this E-mail checked out positively, care should always be taken in opening E-mails from an unusual sender and in this case a quick telephone call to XPS on 0330 0545504 confirmed that this was the case.
Allan Crocombe
NARPO Glamorgan Branch Secretary
01/2024 PB
The following item has been received from Wakefield and is published here for the benefit of all our members and other visitors to the website:
Dear Colleague
The following information may be of interest to your Members.
On 9th February 2023, the law changed, extending Bereavement Support Payments to cohabiting partners (provided the claimant has a child or children)
This was in the May 2023 edition of NARPO News.
People who are eligible must apply by 9th February 2024 to get the full amount of backdated payments. They can still apply up until 8 November 2024, but will not get the full amount.
There is more information on the following links- https://www.gov.uk/bereavement-support-payment/eligibility
01/2024 PB
Following a recent message from a member concerning a security issue surrounding the availability of event application forms on the 'Public Area' of our website. With immediate effect, all future event application forms will only be made available via the EVENTS page located within the SECURE MEMBERS ONLY area of the website.
Notification of the event will still be placed on the NEWS HEADLINES page, but members will need to LOGIN to the MEMBERS ONLY area to obtain more details and download any application forms,
The security of our members is paramount and we regret any inconvenience this will involve. If any member has issues regarding accessing the MEMBERS ONLY area please contact Mr. Paul Bryant (Web Administrator) via the email template located in the CONTACT US page.
Members who would prefer to be notified about events via the Royal Mail are requested to contact Mr. Frank Stockham (Branch Social Secretary) via the template on the CONTACT US page in order that their details can be placed on a separate mailing list.
We thank you for your continued support and trust this will not deter you from applying to attend any of these events.
The following has been received from Wakefield and is reproduced here for the benefit of our members:
At the November NEC meeting No5 Region Representative, Ahmed Ramiz, brought a petition regarding an Injury on Duty Award Scheme to the attention of the NEC. The NEC supported the petition being distributed to the Branches, should Branches and members wish to get involved. Information on the petition can be found on the national website here:
Many retired officers are commenting on various Facebook groups, including NARPO Cardiff, that they are not receiving paper-based copies of the monthly pension notifications. This is also followed by entries asking how the pensioner can get the information online. In order to assist those who wish to access their pension notifications online the below is a guide on how to set up an account with XPS and how to access the account once it is set up:
FIRSTLY make sure you have the following details:
National Insurance Number
Date of birth
Email address