National Association of Retired Police Officers - (CARDIFF BRANCH)
Of Service - To Those Who Served


Many of our members will know of the benefits that can be achieved by visiting the Police Rehabilitation Centre at Flint House, when they were serving officers or during the times when retired officers could attend and benefit from the centres facilities.
NARPO are now delighted to announce our friends at Flint House are launching a support programme for retired police officers.
For a minimum monthly donation of £5 retired police officers can now apply to benefit from their world class physical rehabilitation and mental health support.
Whether it’s for a new injury, post operative rehabilitation, physiotherapy for cancer, long standing back or knee pain, stress, anxiety – Flint House are here to help you recover.
Visit https://www.flinthouse.co.uk/retired-officers/ to find out more.
South Wales Police Benevolent Fund - Contribution
At a recent meeting of the management committee of the South Wales Police Benevolent Fund, a request was made by N.A.R.P.O. for the consideration of financial support for police pensioners applying to visit Flint House.
It was agreed that financial support would be available to South Wales Police pensioners who are accepted for treatment at Flint House which currently charges police pensioners £80 per day for accommodation, food and treatment of which £45 is for treatment and £35 is for accommodation and food.
Under the rules of the fund, the financial support will be limited to £35 per day for accommodation and food up to a maximum of seven days in any period of one year. No support is available for transport to and from the centre.
Claimants must be in receipt of a police pension but do not have to be full members of N.A.R.P.O.
When a claim is submitted to the treasurer of the fund, it must be accompanied by an original receipt from Flint House.
( At 10.04.2017, the treasurer of the fund is Inspector Dave Greaves, Force Incident Manager, Police Headquarters, Bridgend. CF31 3SU. Email: Dave.Greaves@south-wales.pnn.police.uk )
This policy will be subjected to regular reviews by the management committee of the fund.
It is with a heavy heart that Flint House is sad to announce today the passing of Lyndon Filer MBE, after a period of illness.
There would be no history of Flint House and The Police Rehabilitation Centre in Goring without Lyndon, who was CEO from 1988 until he retired in 2011.
Lyndon saw the Centre through from when it officially opened in 1988, and as it metamorphosed into what you will see today, oversaw and led the many changes and people involved in the 24 years of his position as the Chief Executive.
Lyndon masterminded the three extensions to Flint House, the building of Flint Fold and the last 25 bed extension programme completed in 2012.
Under his leadership the Centre became a "centre of excellence" for the treatment and care of sick and injured police officers.
The trustees, staff and residents owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his energy, commitment and personal contribution to the life and work of the Centre from its early days in 1988 to 2011.
The management & staff of Flint House wish to pass their condolences and prayers to Lyndon's family at this time a time of great sadness.
March 2016
Posted 14 March 2016
The branch committee have undertaken on behalf of the membership to write to Flint House advising them of their concerns with regards to the decision to commence charging retired officers for attending Flint House from January 2016. A copy of the letter written is available to read via the link below. Once a reply is received it will be published on this page.
Flint House to Charge Retired Officers.
It is with regret that we inform our members of the decision taken by the Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House to commence chagring retired officers attending and using the facilities with effect from the 1st January 2016.
This decision affects all retired Police Officers not merely those who are members of NARPO. If you know of nay retired officers that are not NARPO members please could you advise them of these changes.
The images below are linked to a copy of the two page letter which highlights the reason behind this decision, and also provides deatils of the Charges that a retired officer will be required to contribute.
Should you have an querires regarding this issue please contact the Branch Secretary via the e-mail template on the CONTACT US page
click on the relevant image, and it will expand to a readable page

The Strategy Planning Group of the NEC are doing some work around welfare support for retired officers and in an effort to obtain a picture of what is/has been happening in relation to the attendance of retired officers at Police Treatment Centres we have devised a short on line survey which we would be grateful if you would complete.
A feeling of Well Being:
As a retired officer I along with numerous colleagues back in the day contributed monthly to Flint House, my phylosphy then was 'I hope I never have to use it, but knowing it is there to help everyone made the contribution worthwhle and enduced that feeling of 'Well Being' within me.
As luck had it I succeeded in retiring after 31 years service as a Police Officer without having to use the facilities of Flint House. After 10 years of working as a 'civvy' / Police Staff member of the force the impact of a major coronary event, plus a mini stroke sent my world into a spiralling decline. But then a friend of mine reminded me of the wonderful facilities that Flint House has and the rest as they say is history. One thing that still sticks out in my mind now is the wonderfully dedicated team they have. From the cleaning staff right through to the management team. Nothing and I truly mean nothing was too much trouble for them
They helped where others failed, and this is the case in so many situations.
With all that being said, with the reducing numbers of contributing members there is now a need for us to HELP the HELPER's. Whether you have needed them in the past or not it does not matter what does matter is that we need them to still be there for the future. If you think you can help why not click on the image above and find out more about the ways you can assist Flint House now and in the future. Why not subsribe to their Lottery, you may have a better chance of winning there than with the National One.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
Paul Bryant (Webmaster)
Flint House 2015
Another experience thanks to Mr Albert Hayes for this article
Just before Easter I visited Flint House and like Howard Cooper received physiotherapy treatment to help in my recovery from a replacement hip operation.
The Staff and facilities there are of the highest standard and I have never received such attention and kindness from a staff who are obviously dedicated to assisting everyone in their efforts to gain full health. Through conversations with the staff it became apparent that they continue to look for new avenues to increase their financial resources to enable them to continue to give the same high standard of care and service to the ever increasing demands placed upon them. I was so impressed by them that I informed the committee and members of our Branch at the April meeting and asked if a donation could be made to them. There was unanimous agreement and I was requested to forward to Flint House a cheque for the sum of £500.
I have since received a reply from Mr. McAuslin their Chief Executive who has asked me to convey their thanks to all our members. Attached is a copy of his letter. Should you wish to contribute further Flint House has a lottery in which they aim to give seven cash prizes each month totalling £1,500. Please consider joining – the details of the lottery are on our branch website.
Albert Hayes Please Click on Below image to view letter

Letter of thanks for £500 donation