National Association of Retired Police Officers - (CARDIFF BRANCH)
Of Service - To Those Who Served


Cardiff City Police Reunion
This page has been created with the primary intention of keeping the members updated with regards to events and other material in relation to the annual Cardiff City Police reunion.
It is hoped that members of both the Cardiff NARPO branch and the reunion team will submit items, memories, pictures etc that can be published on this page.
Cardiff City Police 40th Reunion Dinner
Following on from the 40th Anniversary Dinner on Friday 18th October 2024 we are pleased to publish the below gallery of images taken on the evening including the presentation of a cheque to Chief Constable Jeremy Vaughan (the guest speaker) for his nominated charity.
All images in the gallery below are courtesy of Mr. Ian Campbell. There are lots more images than those that appear on the line below please click on an image to enlarge and then on the arrows to go forwards and backwards through the whole gallery,
10/2024 PB

STANLEY SAYCE (CCP 1938 - 1941)
We are deeply indebted to Claire Jenkins-Robinson for the images in the gallery below:
These are of Stanley Sayce who served with Cardiff City Police between 1938 and 1941 before his enlisting. The supplier of the images also believes that several other Police Officers enlisted simultaneously including Daniel Hopkins, Tom Laing, Ronald Beechey, Wally Morgan, and Christopher Thorne. The photos are of them during their training. If any member can recall serving with Stanley Sayce and is willing to share the memories or has any photos of him perhaps you can let the Branch Secretary know so that the information can be shared with Claire.
Please click on the image to enlarge it and then the arrows alongside the images to move forwards and backward through the gallery

Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner - Cheque Presentation
Following his very interesting speech at the 2022 Reunion Dinner, guest speaker Paul Oliver received a cheque for £650 being the result of the 'Bucket Collection.'
The photo below shows Paul presenting the cheque to community fundraisers Anne Marie James and Bethan Dacey of the Marie Curie Holme Towers.
Paul was accompanied by Mr. Howard Davies,(Committee Chairman) Mr. John Blackburn (Dining Secretary) and Mr. Sid Griffiths (Treasurer)

C.C.P. Reunion Dinner 2021 - Video
Many thanks to Mr. Dave Milton for this short video clip of last October's Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner.
Apologies to those of you who after watching it will have the music on repeat in their heads for the rest of the day
There are NO Prizes for guessing the theme of the series it comes from, but it does go well with the images.
C.C.P. Reunion Dinner 2021 - Cheque Presentation
Following the success of the Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner 2021, held at Whitchurch Golf Club on 15th October 2021, we are pleased to advise our members and those attending that the total sum raised and donated to the guest speaker Mr Derrick Price's charity Cruse Bereavement Support was £700. The below photo shows Mr. Howard Davies present the cheque to Derrick Price and Sharon from Cruse Bereavement Support.
Many thanks to all who supported the charity on the evening and by way of other donations

Should you wish to view the images below please double click on the image to enlarge it

Images courtesy of Mr. Paul Hayes

We are very grateful to Mr Ross Mather, who continues to locate Police memorabilia from all parts of the World, allowing us access to some of his collection photos like the image opposite.
If you were a Sergeant in Cardiff around 1905, this is the helmet plate you'd have had on your helmet...with Borough coat of arms centre.
Constables would have had a central device showing their Divisional letter and collar number.
Before the formation of NARPO and its organised events, have you ever stopped to wonder what entertainment / functions were available to officers in by gone years well wonder no more. Our good friend Ross Mather has provided us with this little look back in time to events in 1887
Hiya Paul,
From a newspaper then called the 'Weekly Mail' a story from 30th July 1887.
Sounds a bit like the 'Jolly Boys Outing' on Only Fools and Horses
The annual outing of the Cardiff Borough Police, in so far as half the available force was concerned, took place on Tuesday 26th July, when in brakes* (see below) generously placed at, their disposal by Mr. Solomon Andrews a party 70 strong visited Southerndown. Had the bright promises of the morning been fulfilled, ours would have been the pleasant task of describing how genial was the weather, how happy the company, how complete the arrangements so admirably carried out.
But the rain else- where and by many so welcomed came to mar the enjoyment of the holiday-makers, and to necessitate a departure from the orthodox report of favourable climatic conditions, congenial companions, and the consequent corolary of perfect enjoyment. When the company assembled at the Police Station — it included Head Constable Hemingway, Inspectors Tamblyn, James, Cox (Roath), and Lewis (Canton), Sergeants Richards, James, Murley, Johns, and Durston, and over 50 constables—the sky was clear, the sun was bright, a steady breeze relieved the sultriness of the atmosphere, and altogether there were abundant signs pointing to a fine midsummer's day, not too hot, but just hot enough.
The cavalcade started to the inspiriting strains of the Police Band, which, under the tutelage of Mr. Draper, has became proficient in no ordinary degree. Before the town was fairly awake it was moving at a rapid pace over the level roads of Ely and beyond to the beauteous Vale of Glamorgan, which stretched far away a wide, rich expanse of cultivated land, neatly partitioned and indented by many a dipping dingle, dotted by a multitude of tiny copses, and having in sweet variety quick alternations of hill and hollow. It was a delightful drive, with manifold charms to please the lover of rural scenery, now looking its best in the fuller, richer vestures of summer.
Cowbridge was reached before noon, and here in this town, so sweetly suggestive of the things and times that have been, with its charter and antiquity writ large in the quaint structure of the houses and the formation of its single street, a short stay was made while the band rendered in excellent style selections from The Bohemian Girl and The Lost Chord." An hour later the brakes pulled up at the Dunraven Hotel, Southerndown. By this time a change had come over the weather, for the wind had grown more gusty, and the dark clouds which had overcast the horizon began to discharge their contents. Happily, only a few showers fell from the time fixed for the dinner, excellently served by mine hostess Mrs. Jenkins, Miss Jenkins, and Miss Katie Jenkins, until the programme of sports had been exhausted.
For the latter Mr. Hemingway always genial and kind-acted as judge, Police Constable Robinson as starter, Inspector Tamblyn and Sergeant John as referees, and Sergeant Durston as handicapper. All the races were handicaps. Fire-Engineer Geen took first prize, Inspector James second, and PoliceConstable Diamond third prize in the 100 yards race for men having served in the force over ten years.
In the 150 yards race for men of under three years' service Police Constable Padfield was first, Police Constable Stephens second, and Police Constable Snow third. Police Constables Stephens, Padfield, and Gouge took prizes in the order given in the 120 yards race; Police-Constable Gouge was first and Police Constable Morgan second in the competition connected with throwing the cannon ball, and the married men easily carried away the honours of the tug of war.
Immediately after tea a start homewards was made, not, in sunshine, but in misty showers, that only varied to become more heavy and disagreeable. The drive under these circumstances, was naturally far from enjoyable, but, apart from this unpreventable cause, the outing was as interesting and pleasant as man could make it. The prizes won at the sports, will be presented at a dinner which I the Mayor has kindly promised to give the members of the force, in recognition of the admirable service rendered by them during Jubilee Week.'
*A brake was a horse-drawn carriage used in the 19th and early 20th centuries in the training of horses for draft work, or an early automobile.
We are most grateful to Mr Ross Mather, for the following items extracted from his excellent collection of Police Memorabilia. Some of our members may be away of his collections whereas others might not. Suffice to say he has a large collection of items which are featured in the facebook pages and websites he has connections to. eg www.peoplescollection.wales www.britishpolice helmet.co.uk or facebook virtual museum of police in Wales.
Hi Paul,
Found this in a newspaper article dated the 17th May 1901. I though that perhaps you might be able to use it. Ross
The Cardiff Police are going in for swimming, and a class has been formed - the first of the kind in Wales - which is likely to prove useful from a life-saving point of view.
Sixteen members of the force, who are in a class for Certificates and Medallions, are instructed by Sergeant Francis at Cardiff Baths. They recently gave an exhibition of their skill in the presence of the Chief-Constable and a large number of officers.'
Cardiff City Police.
Submitted for the information of the Watch Committee - the report is dated February 1937.
Annual Report for 1936 (page 19).
The organisation chart sets forth the different forms of compulsory training, physical and mental, which members of this Police Force have to undergo. They are worthy of repetition at this point, viz:-
Military Foot Drill.
Physical Culture - Athletics.
Educational (including Shorthand) Instruction.
Water Drill - Swimming and Life Saving.
First Aid to the Injured.
Fire Drill.
Anti - Gas Measures.
Winter Lecture Courses.
Refresher Courses for Detectives, Plain Clothes and Patrol Officers.
Cardiff City also had its own 'Scientific Section'. During the year, the number of exhibits that were submitted for examination is as follows, viz,:-
Detective Department ….. 117
Uniform Branch ….. 41
Other Forces ….. 18
Number of exhibits showing positive results ….. 94
Number of exhibits showing negative results ….. 68
Number of exhibits in which examination is proceeding ….. 14
Number of 'photographs taken in Ultra Violet Light ….. 7
Number of photographs taken with microscope ….. 110
Number of microscope slides prepared ….. 210
Number of enlargements made ….. 577
Visits by Scientific Staff to scenes of crime ……13
Number of cases supported by Scientific Evidence presented at Court -
Cardiff Police …...18
Other Forces …… 7
The above is just a snap shot of one page of one report. Each report is between 50 - 60 pages
We are hoping Ross will provide more snipits as and when time allows
Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner 2019- Photo Update

Presentation of a cheque for £1000 to Marie Curie ( Holme Tower), following the collection at this years Cardiff City Police 36th Reunion Dinner in aid of the Charity. The organising Committee President, and Speaker on the night Mr Alan Greaves, who nominated the Charity, is seen with other members of the committee, presenting the cheque to Hannah from the Charity Donations office. Thanks again to all who contributed to the collection for this very worthy charity.
The gallery below shows a large number of images taken on the evening. The webmaster is most grateful to Mr. Steve Bartley and Mr. Eric Masterman who not only took the images but graciously supplied them for publications here.
Please note the original images have been resized to allow their publication here clicking on the image will allow you to view them however, you may be somewhat disappointed if you try to print them.
Please click on the first image to enlarge it and then use that on screen arrows to move forward through the gallery there are a lot more images than those that appear in the two rows below.

Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner 2018- Photo Update
The guest speaker on the occasions was Mr Howard Tucker (CBE) who enlightened the members about his time working with the War Crimes Commission. As a result of the bucket colection on the night a oatl of £447 was raised for his charity ' Remember Sbrenica ' on the night of 11th October, however this was finally inceased to £500 and Howard was presented with the cheque for the final figure at Wetherspoons Central Bar a couple of weeks later.

Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner 2017 - Photo Update

The cheque for £575, the charity collection at the Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner on 13th October 2017, was handed over this morning to Mr Peter Davies, Welsh Director of ABF, The Soldiers Charity at Maindy Barracks, Cardiff. Once again, sincere thanks to all those who contributed to the charity collection.
Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner 2017 Update
The following update has been received from Mr Howard Davies:
“With regard to The Charity Collection for The Soldiers Charity, at The Cardiff City Police Reunion Dinner on Friday 13th October 2017, which on the night raised the wonderful sum of £475, this has now been increased to an even more wonderful sum of £575, with money from members who paid to attend the Dinner, and who for various reasons could not attend, and requested that their £20 be given to the Charity, rather than being returned to them.
On behalf of the Organising Committee for the Dinner, I would like to thank these members, and to all those who contributed to the collection for this very worthwhile charity for your fabulous generosity.
The cheque for this amount will be handed over to The Soldiers Charity later this month, (when the Welsh Director of The Soldiers Charity returns from a sponsored climb up to Everest Base Camp!), with a commemorative photograph of the event to be circulated soon after. Thank you all”
Many thanks Howard Davies
**** Attention all former Cardiff City Police Officers ****
The gallery of black and white images relate to officers with Cardiff City Police circa 1937 - 1950's. Your help is wanted to try and identify as many of the officers as you are able to. The reason is that these images are going to be sent to the family of former Cardiff City Officer 78C Harry James who left these shores for Canada back in the 1950's. His family are eager to try and help him remember his life here in Wales. The Cardif NARPO Branch Secretary has alreday established the follwing information and sent it to the family and hopefully we can supply them with the images and names as well Any help will be appreciated on both sides of the Atlantic. Please forward the names to the webmaster via the contact us e-mail template located on the Contact Us page of the website
Hi again Rob,
I have some information for you and I am aware that Paul Bryant is trying to find some photographs for you.
Harry was appointed by the Cardiff City Police Watch committee on 10th.May, 1939. His number was P.C. 78'C' which meant that he worked on the east side of the city at Roath Police Station. On 11.08.1941, he was transferred to the Royal Air Force for active service in World War 11 and returned on 22.03.1946. On the same day that Harry left Cardiff Police for military service, 11 other police officers left Cardiff ( 1 to the army, 11 to the RAF). The one who went to the army returned after the war, but six of those who went to the RAF were killed on active missions. One of the others was shot down but survived and became a prisoner of war but returned to Cardiff after the war. Sad times but happily, Harry survived. I am sad to report the Thomas Charles Laing who left Cardiff for the RAF on the same day as Harry was reported 'presumed killed' in an RAF operation on 27.01.1944. Morgan Thomas retired on 06.11.1958 as a uniform Police Sergeant 3C and died in 1996. His wife(widow) Betty died in 1999. I regret that there is no information regarding any extended family. During retirement, Morgan ( Mog) and Betty lived in Gelligaer Street, Cathays, Cardiff, a few hundred yards away from Catherine Street.
If I am able to discover any further information, I will forward it to you.

Back Row L-R No 1 Ross Tumelty Second Row L-R No1 Glyn Pockett No2 Harry Dart First Row Far right Ted Golding Front Row L-R No3 W F Thomas (C.Con) No 5 Cyril Salvage

Front Row L-R No 1 Godfrey Bennett

Reunion Dinner 2016
The Cardiff City Police 2016 reunion dinner took place at the Whitchurch Golf Club, Cardiff on 14th October 2016.
Thanks to Mr. Paul Hayes for the images he has provided that are in the gallery below.
There are a lot more images in the gallery than are shown at first sight, please click on the show more button to expand the gallery.
Once you see an image you wish to view in greater detail please click on the thumb nail of the image and it will expand on your screen.
Please note that copyright of all images remains with Mr. Paul Hayes.
Those of you who spot the error in one of the pictures are requested NOT to make contact with the committee.