National Association of Retired Police Officers - (CARDIFF BRANCH)
Of Service - To Those Who Served



Welcome to the books, music and other things page (formerly known as members submissions). This page has been created within the public area of the website in order to allow both our members, members of other branches and anyone else who visits the website access to the talents of a number of our members. It is hoped that in doing so visitors will click on the links to other locations and listen to the music, or purchase items the royalties / profits from which go to local charities.
Please be aware that whilst every effort has been made to ensure that any item you are about to download is free from any viruses etc. NARPO Cardiff Branch will not accept any responsibility if for any reason your computer becomes infected and the infection is subsequently attributed to this download file.
Should any member wish to share their talents then please contact the webmaster and discuss the matter further.
Please note this is an entirely 'FREE' service.
It has been a little while in the making, but I believe this is his best piece yet. It makes you wonder if ORWELL got it right in all his predictions. Turn up the volume on your speakers or 'phones and give it a good listen. This is Jeff's introduction to this piece
"My latest song, inspired by George Orwell, entitled 1984, attempts to show how his predictions of 'Social Control' are now with us in many, and increasing ways. To hear my musical interpretation, just click on the link and strap yourself in, as I take you on a rollercoaster ride."
To hear this latest recording simply click on the 'FLAMING GUITAR below
Our member John Wake has joined forces with author M M Jones to create his latest book. The launch details are below:
09/2024 PB

We are always grateful for member's contributions, especially new contributors. Many thanks to Pete Nichoils for this poem
Christmas is that funny time of year
We are told to be jolly and full of cheer
Most families come together to share this festive time
Fun galore, games, food and everything sublime.
Excited children opening presents too many
And cracker jokes so painfully corny.
Grandparents rejoicing in the children’s joy
Children hoping no socks etc. just a big toy.
The bustle up to this big day has a lot of stress
And the aftermath a lot of mess.
The turkey farms are quiet and empty
And some have drunk more than plenty.
In truth many people are alone and sad
They wish they had the family and friends others had.
Some are very poor and their Christmas is meagre
There are people who, for Christmas, are not eager.
Some people argue and cause a rift
Some are placated when they open their gift
Arguments occur and the air is blue
Whoever the cause, don’t let it be you
There are homeless people who seek a church dinner
For some other people’s kindness is a winner.
Spare a thought, a prayer for those who ‘have not.’
And be grateful for the abundance of what you have got.
Some go to church at Midnight or morn
To celebrate the day our Saviour was born
The joy of the nativity some schools are rejecting
To the praise of God, that needs correcting
As we tuck into turkey or beef with all the trimmings
And reject or covet the gravy skimmings’
Be happy, be merry, and be thankful, it is a special time of year.
It is right to be joyful and full of Christmas cheer
For the first part of CHRISTmas is CHRIST
He is the greatest gift that cannot be priced
He came to forgive all who would call on Him and is the reason,
Whoever you are, to be happy and grateful this special season.
May God bless you and have a wonderful Christmas time. xxx
Have you ever sat and wondered about the glorious days of the Cardiff City Police, and in particular their Rugby team???We are extremely grateful to Mr Ian Tumelty, who when undertaking the disposal of old items from his home during the lockdown came across this little gem, which should rekindle memories for those retired Cardiff City Officers who played the great game.
I wonder how many of us would know the tunes that accompany the words in the Cardiff Police RFC - Songbook.
Please click on the link below: CARDIFF POLICE RFC SONGBOOK
This time it is from the pen of Mr. John F.Wake.
'The Madding of Eli McNamara'
This is the 13th book, from John F.Wake but only the second fiction. The book is set in late Victorian / early Edwardian Cardiff, and even though fiction, has many real historical story lines and locations.
Published by Pwntan and available via Amazon in paperback (£6.99) and e.book. Selling well with good reviews. 10/2021
We have all been waiting a long time, but book No9 in the crime thriller series written by the partnership of Arthur Cole & Nigel C. Williams has now been published:
is now available for purchase via Amazon.
The front cover to the book involves a photograph taken by retired SWP Control Room Operator Sandra Beer.
Just in time for the Christmas stocking fillers:
'DARKEST CARDIFF - A PEEK INTO HELL' the latest book (No6 in the series) from the pen of Mr John F. Wake has now been released in paperback format as well as an e-book. There is quite a bit on policing in old Cardiff. To loacte / purchase please click on the links provided below:
ebook edition: https://geni.us/darkest-cardiff
print edition: https://geni.us/darkest-cardiff-pb

It has often been said that 'the pen is mightier than the sword' but in todays modern society the pen has given way to the computer.
We are fortunate to have received a number of Short Stories written by our members. Plus have access to various books authored by retired local Police Offices.
'The Close of Autumn' - A poem from the pen of Mr Jeff Barley please click on the blue link below to read the poem
Please click here to download his contribution
'New Beginnings' - A story of hope and inspiration in a chapter of life from the pen of Mr. Jeff Barley
The book is available to download via the icon below. Members who choose to download this book do so on the understanding that the copyright of the book remains with Mr Jeff Barley. The book will download as a PDF Document which you should be able to read directly
on screen. Should you experience any issues please contact the webmaster.
NARPO Cardiff Branch recognise the hard work, effort and pain that writing this book may have caused the author, and wish the author every success.
Please click here to download his contribution.
' Choices ' - A short story - From the pen of Mr. Alan Buck
Please click here to download his contribution
'Delivery Day ' - a short story - From the pen of Mr Alan Buck
Please click here to download his contribution
As well as joining forces with Mr. Nigel Williams in writing the Terry McGuire thriller series, Arthur Cole has also been extremely busy composing poems. There are currently three books of his poems available for purchase at present via Amazon. If you are interested in poetry please take the time to check out Arthur's books.
Click on the image below to reveal the book cover title and image

The Terry McGuire Thriller series
What started life as a one off collaboration in the writing of their first crime thriller together has resulted several years and many hundreds of thousands of words later as a series of books by the team of Arthur Cole and Nigel Williams
The list below are the books currently available penned by the intrepid duo the royalties from the sales of these books being donated by them to local charities.
Unethical Conduct
Edge of Integrity
Death and Depravity
Angel of Death
Nest of Vipers
Night Hawker
All the above are available to purchase via Amazon both as hard copy format or in an electronic version for reading on tablets, etc.
" I Believe That Everyone Has A Book In Them” are the words of Author David P Perlmutte,
The webmaster is so glad that Arthur & Nigel decided to write 8 so far as it means he doesn't need to.
Books by John F. Wake
John Wake has been writing historical books for quite some time. They certainly make the reader re think some of their knowledge of things they were taught at school. The following is a list of the books that John has written, which our members may find interesting.
'The Cruel Streets Revisited'
'Cardiff. Those Cruel and Savage Streets'
'Why Shoot David Thomas?'
'And Tiger Bay Died Too' (second edition out 2019)
'The Mermaid of Cardigan Bay'
The Camelot Inquisition'.
'The Horrors of the Dead House'.
Books by Mike Tarver
As you are all aware we notify our members about the successes of our members and members of other branches for their literary, musical and other talents.
It has recently come to our knowledge that our member Mr. Mike Tarver is an established author and explorer and has written two books
SS TERRA NOVA (1884-1943)
Whaler, Sealer and Polar Exploration Ship
ISBN 09552208-7
The Man who found Captain Scott
Surgeon Captain Edward Leicester Atkinson (1881-1929)
ISBN 978-09552208-14
You can find out more about these books by visting the website:

We as a branch are fortunate to have many gifted members whose talents know no boundaries such is the case with the musical contributions the record and make available to us and the members to listen to. We hope you enjoy them:
To listen to the particular recording please click on the BLUE coloured tag which will link you to the website containing the item and any associated video. If you have made a recording, and want to sahre it with fellow members then please contact the webmaster for mor information on how you can share it:
The Songs of Jeff Barley
Jeff Barley who served with the South Wales, Gwent and Humberside Forces bought his first musical instrument, an acoustic guitar in October 2011.After just a handful of lessons he felt the urge to write his own lyrics and put them to music .
Jeff has developed a writing style all of his own which is current, relevant and true to life, examples of which are to be found on this website.
It is fair to say that when it comes to life, Jeff has been around the block a few times which can be felt in his lyrics as he puts his experience and those of others who he has met along the way into his music.
As his good friend and talented musician Ron (TUG ) Wilson once said, "Jeff writes from his heart and sings from his gut" That is Jeff for you, 'Honest, Thought - Provoking and not UN-prepared to share his emotion in his songs. So go on, give em a play, after all it is free to use!!!
A song written with a social conscience that highlights the plight of many elderly people who find themselves in a world that shows little respect for their generation. http://youtu.be/dcSa3rCE8nA
'The Doorway'
A song written with a social conscience for those with a social conscience and seeks to highlight the plight of so many homeless people and the direct correlation with Mental Illness. How can you ignore it? http://youtu.be/0QPIRH7o81M
PLEASE, Don't forget about me - the No1 download hit on Reverbnations download lists.
A song which provides a social commentary put to music, and inspired by the closing of yet another community service within the South Wales Police area and how it will impact on the the local people. http://youtu.be/wZrjA7tnxWs
'Silver Ponytails'
Jeff obtained his inspiration for this song and lyrics whilst on holiday in the USA.The thing that struck him was that so many of the bands consisted of ageing rockers with all the rigours of the 'rock and roll circus' engrained in their faces. and I asked the question, "where do they go from here?. Well, the answer lies in his song with accompanying home made video, 'SILVER PONYTAILS.'
'Past Present and Future'
The latest release from Jeff Barley in which Jeff outs his thoughts of life to music in the 'haunting yet realistic' look at life. Once again Jeff has supplied us with a link to his song and accompanying video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZeMzPwBe8Y&feature=youtu.be
'Wrapped in a Spin'
Jeff Barley has once again been hard at it in the recording studios and hs just released his latest recording, which may help those of us who are still undecided about what to do with our votes on 23rd June. Have a listen to 'Wrapped up in spin' before then and see what you thin https://youtu.be/ee4rurVQmyE
'The girl who had it all'
As many of our members will know Jeff Barley is a regular musical and lierary contributor to this website and as always we thank him for giving us the opportunity to hear and read his works as soon as they are completed.
This year is no exception Jeff has just finished his latest musical creation and has allowed us access to this latest creation. In time for Christmas
'In the Bible I Believe'
Jeff Barley has once again returned to the 'Shabby Road" recording studios after a little absence and this time he has written a Rock Hymn' a piece of upbeat Worshipful Praise, which Jeff came to write after attending Church in the USA whilst on holiday recently.
The recording this time is based upon the life of Jesus, 'The greatest story ever told' you may say, so here in just 7 minutes of song is the story.
To hear the song and watch the accompanying video please click on the link below. It is suggested that to appraise the recording you may wish to turn the volume up a tad. https://youtu.be/Q5xlD_pccSo
The songs located below this heading are 'New Additions' to the song library since it was first created. Jeff has been a frequent visitor to the recording studios over the years and we all wish him well in the future.
01-2024 PB
'The Red Line'
A song of Deceit, Lies, and Betrayal in Relationships. Not all Love affairs have a happy ending!!!
'What will I be'
A poem written by Jeff and narrated to a musical background
This video tells of a young man leaving school at 15, finding his way through life and then embarking on a Police Career. It was a career which offered so much as he climbed the ladder of success only to see it slip through his fingers like sand when he succumbed to the scourge of mental illness.
'In my little corner'
Following his recent illness our singer / songwriter Mr Jeff Barley has not had the opportunity to return to the recording studios to record any new material. He has however taken the recording below from his back catalogue. We hope you enjoy the song which is about so many people find themselves in when their love lives fall apart
'I don't belong'
I am not seeking to offend anyone but at age 74, I feel I just don't belong here anymore. So much has changed. You can't say this, you can't say that. Censorship of books and films, freedom of speech eroded, The WOKE world has gone mad, who are we, what are we? what do we stand for? I feel that I wasn't made for these times. Jeff
'Christmas' (Released November 2023)
Yes, it has been a little while since Jeff entered the recording studio and laid down some tracks, but just in time for the festive season here are details of his latest release.
'Dear Friends and Police Family.
With Christmas on the horizon we all know that this year, like previous years, Xmas will be consumed by commercialism and TV advertisements, to the extent that many in our communities will see Xmas as no more than a pathway to debt and anxiety in trying to keep up with extravagant expectations. Consequently, the true meaning of Xmas, for so many, can be lost.
This year, through song, it is my intention to bring the 'Real Meaning of Christmas' into as many homes as possible both in the UK and overseas, and to this end, I ask for your help.
Below you will find the link to my song entitled ‘CHRISTMAS.’ It is the full length version, which asks questions and delivers an answer in the final phase of the song.
This song is danceable, and traditional, with an aggressive lead guitar and bass line. Most of all however, it carries a Xmas message for us all to consider .
And so I ask each and everyone of you who reads this, would you please give it a play from start to finish as the main message in the song comes in its final phase, and please, please share it with others, after all, It’s what the whole world needs to hear much more of at this time of year!
Finally, may I say, I pay all my production costs for my music, and is not distributed or played for financial gain or profit of any kind.
Perhaps you would even leave a comment or thumbs up or down on youtube.
Thank you for reading and listening.
And an early Happy Christmas' to you all
To listen to the powerful message please crank up the volume and either click on the link below or copy and paste it into your search bar: